Reviews(188)Sort by Popularity, English

this game is okay if your one of the very dang lucky ones to get your fav charater CG 7* or 7* in general but as for me after this new event happend we have Lighting as 7 star and Fing hope as 6 star brought back AGAIN! and the 2 main charaters sarah and "IDGAS" Noel but hey you know there was another guy in 13-2 hmm ya what was his name again oh ya it's SNOW!!!!!!!! F you brave exvius I don't want 13-3 snow I wanted 7* 13-1 or 13-2 you jack offs! note this is more of a rant not a review but be warned not all your favorate charaters are 7 stars so sorry if you are as unlucky as I am ps:screw Hope most of all.[發火]
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius ou FFBE é um jogo mobile querem muito conteúdo de Final Fantasy, trilha sonora típica de Final Fantasy, personagens de Final Fantasy, Chocobos de Final Fantasy e a Katy Perry. Sei lá… Tem a Katy Perry de alguma forma nesse jogo, não sei como isso aconteceu… O jogo não é exatamente novo, e muita gente já largou o game, mas ainda está disponível e funcionando… Pra quem é fã de Final Fantasy (ou da Katy Perry) pode ser uma boa pedida. Você coleciona heróis, e batalha contra inimigos em um modo estratégico. Tem muitos personagens de FF e muitas colaborações com outras marcas (aí a Katy Perry). O jogo tem um gráfico em pixel art muito bem feito, com gostinho de 16bits! Uma delicia pra quem tem saudades dos FFs antigos!
my favorite game sence i beat brave frontier and bfls. addicting great it's like final fantasy and brave frontier combined but one thing is the list of compatible phones that works fully functional cause mine is free phone but has 16 gb internal memory game sadly crashes very often i cant do 3*esper battles and alot of vortex event so now i have to get another phone dont have much money or id give it perfect rating maybe not graphics so much although i like background graphics..
ive been playing this for a good while on the english and japanese versions but i just git a new phone and all my progress is now gone so im kinda pissed about that
It's not the games fault for not being able to download the new update its qoo app stop giving it bad reviews it doesn't deserve
I just love the new esper units.!
Final Fantasy RPG fans so cool more events and more characters collaboration and higher rates please 😝🔥[開心]
Love the game. Very easy to enjoy without paying any money. Sadly since upgrading to Android 11 on Pixel 2XL the game no long loads at all -- just force quits immediately after tapping the app icon 😔
Love the game, but for some reason recently when I select a friend unit and try to start a battle, it pops up some text and has an ok button, when I click ok it brings me back to the stage select for whatever I was doing, any tips?
I love this version of the final Fantasy Brave exclusive game but since the event with CG Cid came out, whenever I open vortex the game would log me out and stop working. please help?
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