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I first want to start off by saying I love Dokkan Battle despite some of its flaws. I appreciate Dokkan Battle JP Version far more, but I believe the Global version is also very good! It certainly has come a long way. I mean, this is where I first started back in 2015. To this day I still have that very same account. Truth be told, nostalgia and the ability to summon for the units I don't always have on JP or to just make the account that much better and my pure love for Dragon Ball franchise as a whole is what keeps me playing both versions of Dokkan Battle passionately. Highly suggest you play it IF you like collecting, dragon ball and do not mind grinding/spending for the cards you really want at times. Dokkan Battle Global is definitely a wonderful Gasha Game and by far one of the most successful. You may or may not enjoy every aspect of it but you'll surely see why it's one of the best mobile games to offer.
I hope the new summon animations come soon[開心]
nice game,really love the soundtracks[開心]
Graphics has always been an issue since they never released HD (unless the upcoming Z update is part of it). Though comparing to a few years back, it has improved a lot by using the animations from the franchise. Music is usually amazing and doesn't fail at all. The game is very simple with some strategy. It is just a color chain, but Dokkan always bring us new unique way to enhance the gameplay. However, I do regret to say that story mode sucks and has been discontinued to continue any further for the time being. As a gacha game, it doesn't have a welcoming summoning. However, the game always give you free stones daily to farm. Yet, it does give you discounts on global and bundles on global version exclusively. However, to get a choice unit after summoning X amount of times is extremely unforgiveable. You need 2500 spent stones to obtain the highest rarity unit, but without expiry date. After editing the review, the score remains the same as it has to be seen improvement, or enough content for those who have completed or almost conpleted everything.
É um bom jogo de dragon ball, falta implementar mecanicas novas como a ultima que se tiver personagens especificos na mesma party a ultimate muda, achei bem legal mas raramente estão fazendo personagens assim. Alem de ser gratuito o jogo tem algumas otimas animações e um bom sistema de gacha. O sistema de combate é bem repetitivo, ainda mais em uma fase longa você vera as mesma animações e por a caso você sempre ficara bravo pelo RNG do jogo. Na parte de escolher um parceiro para o grupo o jogo falha, só tem personagem repetido e as vezes não tem personagem que você precisa, mesmo que aperte update os personagem não mudam. (༼•̀ɷ•́༽) Recomendo ( ^ω^).
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended. also play dokkan battle as the foundinh fathers intended
遊戲模式類似大富翁的棋盤式走法,可以在途中收集錢幣、道具等等,地圖最後會遇到 Boss。 戰鬥模式是點擊氣珠,連結越多同色氣珠或屬性對應顏色氣珠傷害越高,可透過角色排列觸 發連攜技能,給予敵人更高的傷害,集滿角色的能量條後有各自的必殺技可以使用。 在遊戲中劇情的部分有點像漫畫用一格一格的方式呈現,以玩家的角度來說很容易讀懂。 因為先前沒有玩過戰鬥模式相似的遊戲,所以對我來說還蠻新鮮的。 印象深刻的是戰鬥中會有角色跟敵人的戰鬥動畫,不像其他遊戲攻擊時可能只是一個光點跑 到敵人身上,而且動畫做得真的很流暢,用平板玩更有一點臨場感,敵人被擊飛到螢幕的效 果也很有趣。 龍石給得很大方,召喚出SSR角色的機率跟其他遊戲比也算高,相較之下很佛心。
Alright ill give an honest review: The entire game itself is pretty good and i enjoyed it alot but theres a few problems with the game i'll say the pros and cons bout it CONS: There is no point of the main story it just dosen't make sense and it hasn't been updated in a very long time, Getting prime battle f2p lrs ("LRs"which is the highest rarity unit you can get) takes a very long time and it is annoying to get but i dont know if it really is a con cause you just have to grind the event to get the medals once and when your finished you don't need to do it again Theres a mode in the game called the "world tourtument" and let me tell you it's byfar the worse thing about this game there's no point of doing it, it's a waste of time and the rewards you get from doing it is not even worth it PROS: The animation for the super attacks (the newer ones) are absolutely beautiful for a mobile gacha game it actually stunned me on how amazing it was and if your a dragon ball fan or just like anime gacha game's i highly recommend this game alot!! i The events in the game is fun to do but if you are a endgame player it gets boring from time to time but theres a few modes in the game that make up for the level of difficulty (if you download the game you"ll understand what i mean) The f2p way to get currency (to summon or what not) is really easy to obtain and they give out a few gifts from time to time but the only problem is if you don't decide to spend money on this game as a late game player it will only get harder and harder so you'll be fine if you use your stones wisely.....And thats about it the game is pretty easy to understand and if your a fan of dragon ball or once again just a gacha game player i would recommend to play this game!! (whew my hand hurts from writing all this now XD)
this game os fun[發怒][汗顏] you can call me at the number below and let me know if you need anything else from me please let me know if you're interested in meeting up with you 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊☺️😘😘☺️😘😘☺️😘 email me me please 😁😀😀😁😁 email address 😊😀😁😁 really care about the money 😀😊😀😊😀😁😁😉😁😁😉😂😁😁😁😉😂😁😁😁😁😉😂😂😉😉😁😉😁😉😂😉😂😉😉😁😂😂😉😉😁😉😁😉😁😂😉😁😁😁😉😉😁😁😉😉😁
I recommend this game to every single Dragon Ball fan. Even though it is a gacha game (you summon for units using ingame currency that you get from primarily grinding, as well as logins, events, or you just buy it with real money) it is very f2p friendly compared to many other gacha games so it is easier for newer players, and players in general, to get characters they want and have more fun along the way. Units in this game attack with animations which are often taken from anime scenes, even movies, like for example there are Gogeta and Broly units whose attack animations are taken from the Dbs Broly Movie itself. When playing, you are basically re-watching scenes from the anime which is just so awesome. There is a lot of grind if you want to be in the endgame, since new content is released on a weekly basis for almost 7 years already, so there is a ton of stuff to do. This is a global version though, which is roughly 5-6 months behind from jp version in terms of content release. That is the main thing that seperates the two versions, other than the language itself (jp version cannot be displayed on other languages, while global version can). If you can read japanese or want to dive into new content immediately and dont care about language difference, go play jp version. Naturally, the game is not perfect, it has its flaws just like every other game out there, but this favorite game of mine is out for 7 years and still going strong, actually stronger than ever, and it is continously being polished by the new updates which are making the game better and easier, especially for newer players, therefore I strongly recommend to at least give it a try.
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