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เป็นเกมที่ดีมาก ๆ อีกเกมนึงเลยค่ะ กราฟฟิคดีไซน์โหดมากงานดีงานละเอียด หน้า UI ในเกมมีความมินิมอล? ดูง่ายไม่รกสายตาเกินไป เกมเพลย์แรก ๆ เรางงเพราะไม่เคยเล่นเกมแนวนี้ แต่เล่นไปเรื่อย ๆ ก็เข้าใจเองค่ะ เป็นเกมจับคู่ 3 ที่มีเพลงมาผสมด้วย ต้องจับคู่ให้ทันแข่งกับจังหวะเพลง? เราเรียกไม่ถูกแหะ แต่ดีที่สุดของเกมนี้เรายกให้เพลงนะ ยังฟังไม่ครบทุกคนแต่เท่าที่ฟังมาดีหมดเลยค่ะ 😭
The UI is really vibrant, smooth to maneuver. Similiar to the other music puzzle game out there but lot easier. Gacha is quite friendly and the game allow you regacha by deleting the save data (was mention in tips of the game lol) Fun to play but have to grind a lot for item drops and gacha lots for multiples in order to max a single card. Was excited for this but grinding isnt my type of game.. I'll just play for causal.
yuragi kanno can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person… I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i’m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
UWAAAHH I love this game sm<33 this is the first time I played a puzzle game and it was the best! The graphics, the music, the character design OML such a perfection😭 Currently I have 3 characters that I really love<33 It's not too laggy it just so smooth af!! I've been playing for 1 week now and I still don't know how to get more of those pinkie thing that you pull on the gacha banner༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ I haven't read the story so I'll give the storyline a 3 star for now(⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
5/6/2024 官方在大型活動間隔的時間有開一些季節小活動,而且新增通行證,而開多倍體力的資源掉落率也有提高,官方算是有聽取玩家意見在資源給予方面作出改善的。雖然玩法趣味性有其限制,但每次活動的新卡面真的太香我都沒甚麼好抱怨的哈哈🤣 現在是當成佛系卡牌收集遊戲在玩嚕 17/5/2024 哪個天才會覺得節奏消消樂好玩……一整個關卡忙得連技能都沒空按。本來2類遊戲的賣點是音遊的即時打擊感和消除遊戲的即時消除爽快感,但這遊戲把2隻結合後變成超忙的345連珠子觀察遊戲,人人都忙著找珠子呢,誰有空去聽音樂和消除音🤣即時回饋沒傳達到,玩完只得一身汗流浹背😂 體力恢復很快,但上限只有10太少,多少人可以1個半小時就打開一次手機,不知道等級升上去會不會提高 劇本和美術是好看的。音樂是除了角色歌主要還是硬核音遊的電子純音樂,放在這裡有點大材小用的感覺🤔因為不是即時消除,就算判定線是根據節拍掃下去卻沒有太多的打擊爽快感,不知道後續會不會在譜面和操作上出現更多變化(目前是音遊判定套下去消消樂模式,倒不知把消消樂套回去音遊的譜面潛力更高吧,或者乾脆做一款硬核音遊,乙女硬核音遊這市場還沒有人吃呢,是怕女性玩不來嗎,但可以做更多難易度啊。前幾作失敗不是其他方面不行,而是真的沒有可玩性,遊戲性做不好就希望可以把劇情寫好,募戀能撐到現在只是剛好吃到古早乙女的福利而已,魔夜就是很成功的一作結果公司擺爛🫠,不要每次拿著一手超強美術的好牌都打得一敗塗地,該休閒就做休閒,該益智就做益智,該硬核就做硬核,不要什麼都想要結果兩頭不到岸),遊玩性還有待觀察。但就音樂而言每組的track能聽出有花不少小心思,在選歌前的角色界面每組都有自己的音樂,而選到不同組員時會播放該組員自己的track remix這點我很喜歡,對每位角色性格會更好留下印象。 文本作家在募戀的離地世界觀下的寫實風格我還是挺喜歡的,還好這種調調有保留下來,只是希望角色的行為邏輯可以更順暢和合理一點(畢竟真的受不了戀愛腦和笨蛋主人公)。我覺得本作女主挺cool的,是性格有點脫線的老實人社畜🤣希望這遊戲有一點點曖昧的氛圍就夠了,不要變成戀愛為主導的遊戲呀🤣目前還是觀望中 一點碎碎念:講真我覺得大部分男的都是怪人😂😂從一開始看劇情就笑得停不下來原諒我真的認真不了😂😂😂到後來已經是希望女主和レア歲月靜好算了🤣。別人家的霸總都是充滿金錢的power,這遊戲的陛下就單純的只是會和鸚鵡較真的嘴硬中二病罷了(還自帶女主吐嘈😂),幾位常識人真的是安心擔當。不過雖然我根據性癖選了粉毛開局,但他目前其實還好🤔我反而更注意到他旁邊的mao🫠,感覺要再看看之後劇情有沒有誰更萌到我惹。還有一個交涉部的銀髮(祠堂),我真的覺得他很像S class的成總救命🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣雖然他沒成總王八(褒義)但我現在已經無法脫離這個想法啦。不過他們的性格完全不一樣,祠堂只是有點調皮的小可愛而已(尤其對著老實人AIAI🫠,而且1cm差的年上,仙品……)
I've been playing for a bit and I think is a pretty cool game! first the gameplay: I actually quite enjoyed it! I really have to concentrate and it doesn't seem like other "match" games like this, there's kind of an order you need to follow (right to left) and with the song on the background almost makes it feel like a rhythm game of some sorts, its quite fun and challenging! the audio: without a doubt its really good every character has its own song that matches their vibes and the va are really talented the graphics are so pretty the animations and transitions are so smooth and nice I loved it!! the live 2d of the characters are everything too as for the story and value I cant't say much because I haven't read the whole story yet (but it looks intreresting) and I haven't spent money on it either also for the gacha I got 3 ssr with only the initial gems given so I think is pretty okay
let's give it a quick first impression! vibes feel like andzero, modern type environment bgm and visual is as expected from coly, really good, they even have personal songs backgrounds are pretty characters are nice but some are unexpected (for me) gacha rate is similar to mhyk puzzle is a bit confusing at first but similar to stmy UI is really smooth one big complain: GRINDING WHY SO DIFFICULT?? I played stmy, onair, mhyk, andzero but this one is at different level! the drops are low without boost despite there are so many things to upgrade for now I'll keep playing note: easy tob reroll
THEY DONE MADE A CANDYCRUSHTYPE MUSIC PROJECT GAME that intro song was a banger holy shit osts: AHH OMG THEYRE SO GOOD THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO?? god im vibing so hard to them gameplay: like what i said, its a candy crush type thing. you match stuff. yeahhh. ITS REALLY FUN THOUGH you gotta match as many as possible with the limited time you got art: SO DAMN PRETTY 😭😭 ui: GAAHH I CANT GET OVER HOW NICE THE UI IN THIS GAME IS story: ill read em soon.. characters: - my luck on this game: havent gotten a single card that i wanted yet
Yamajet, Feryquitous, good-cool, y0c1e, Dirty Androids are composers who are more likely to appear in your typical rhythm games like IIDX or Arcaea, but they're somehow here and I have no idea why they're recruited for making puzzle game BGM. I'd say that's great decision because they're the main reason I'm here. 👍
Ever since this game release, I've been dying to olay this game and I became addicted to this game!! To think that their game systerm about the puzzle with the rhythmic sound, It was perfect idea!! And I hope they release season 2 of their story!! 😆😆😁😁👏💕💕
Review Game