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you can play it using europe vpn, im using bbvpn edit: yg orang indo nanti open server nya jam 2an ya
Why classify it as Global when SEA can't even play it. Square Enix has always been such a pain when releasing games, often excluding SEA Regions. Being forced to use VPN just to play is just dumb. Edit: Played the game for a few minutes and it's actually pretty good. Unfortunately, you have to always be connected to a VPN. It's sad that Square Enix decided to go this route...
You can make a weapon 15 stars, and you can increase the weapon you make 15 stars by an extra +20. Think about how much pay to win there is. (Each star requires 200 parts for upgrade. It takes 2000 parts to make 15 stars. 4000 parts are required to increase the extra +20. A total of 6000 parts are required to fully upgrade ONE WEAPON) This game has no balance. The power difference between stages is too much. Even the free garbage weapon received from the event requires very high power. I don't even want to talk about the summon feature that unlocks later in the game. Complete nonsense. Not suitable for free to play players. Extreme grind game. Weapon uncap items from stages are extremely low. There is a feature to add friends in the game and it does not serve any purpose other than sending an invitation to the co-op room. Play if you enjoy it and don't have a purpose.
Finally FF7 Ever Crisis is available! This is such a blessing for veteran players, nostalgic walkers, newly FF gamers and much more. This game puts all what you love about FF7 into a compressed yet enjoyable and satisfying experience for both console and handheld gamers alike. Story 4/5 The game does an interesting job in telling its story in a more compact yet detailed state. It entales the story of the original FF7 and other games of its timeline in a easy to digest setting. I undeestand the need to stretch some of the story since its a mobile game, but it does not hinder anything too extreme so far. The only downside I can see is since its a mobile game there is a limit to how long the story flows. Some original story content is cut into monologue cutscenes which I have no personal beef with imo. Gameplay 4/5 Modt of the game involces story telling accompanied by battles if available. The battles is very reminiscing of the FF classic battle mechanics as well as the new FF7 battle system mixed in. The battles are still turn based, but is present in a real-time setting making you think of your strategies on the fly. Each skill requires a set of bars to activate which works well for a mobile game mechanic. Special skills have an animation which is a cool touch, especially limit breaks. Music 4/5 The OST is my favorite because it uses original and modern tracks, as well as remixes which works really well to set the tone of the game My fav is the battle theme of FF7 battle, it just hits at the right spot of memory lane. And who doesn't love the victory theme? Right?... Exactly! Interface 4/5 The game's main menu and interface are very straight forward and easy to navigate. The titles are present and with tips and descriptions to guide you through the game. Very friendly to new FF7 gamers and a cake walk for veterans like me hehe. Features 4/5 Game content mainly includes story, solo mode and co-op. Story is where you play fixed characters in chapters to progress he lore. Solo is for upgrades and resource grinding to boost your characters. Co-op allows you to play with real players around the world to take out bosses as a team. It is fun and you wpn't get bored and can choose any one of them at your own pace. F2P 4/5 So far the game is generous with gacha gems and tickets. Since it just launched therebare a lot of rewards to go around. It does take time to grind, but it is a gacha game after all so take your time and don't rush and stress too much. Even without the meta stuff, you can still get through easy by upgrading, leveling up and enhancing your characters and gears. So no worries! Overall 4.5/5 An awesome game and very addictive. You have so many things you can do and grinding is a cake walk as long as you are patient. So enjoy and just play the game nice and easy. Plus a summer event is available now! So have fun!!!
If other vpns doesn't work. The Old school OpenVPN and OpenVPNConnect then set it to US or EU servers once done you should get. "Please wait for the official release" instead of the "Return to Title Screen". Note: OpenVPN and OpenVPN Connect is free to use w/o root but I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOUR PHONE. It's safe to use on any emulators Edit: Some folks are able to use JPN servers you may wanna try that for a faster connection.
I wouldn't recommend this game if you don't have much time. The grind is ridiculous. Play this only if you're really a diehard ff7 fans. Gacha is generous, stamina is giving a lot but at the same time the grind is also heavy. Daily quests are fast. But the event grind is too long. There's a weekly cap currency for exchanging some valueable items as wel so it's gonna take like 1 or two hours daily just to grind this. Then you have seperate event items to grind as well so let's add another hour. Ofcourse you have your regular character and weapon grind as well then add another hour. All in all that you need 3 hours a day more or less in average. Pros are : You don't need top characters to get all event stuffs. Play it casually and you'll find it more enjoying.
I love the 2d art, and would have preferred just the old style 3d, since the more modern 3d style is more suited to a bigger screen and a more performant machine. It inevitably costs more resources and still looks ugly on mobile. Even so, overall the performance is good and it doesn't take up an unreasonable amount of storage. The music is as exceptional as ever. Battles are looking very much like the original on the surface (but different), and the modern 3d models are growing on me. There's this attack/defense mechanic that was difficult for me to get into; you have to be quick to switch, and it's not what you normally expect from a turn based combat game. Or you can just play auto if that's your thing. I think that the shop and passes are slightly more expensive than average, but there's a few good options for small spenders. 'Limit*d time offe*s' seems to be a trigger word for qooapp, and yes they are a model that feels a bit nasty to me. The daily loop will be a time sink with no sweep or skip button, and the entire materia system based on stat rolls and constant synthesizing. I can only speak for myself, but it's 2023 and I'm not going to let my phone or emulator run auto farming. Especially on a game that turns it into a furnace. I did notice a "consume 3x stamina to get 3x rewards in a single fight" option, but it only means that there's no hope for an introduction of a sweep feature.
Not allowing SEA meaning Square Enix have favoritism to other countries. You guys are not allowing everyone to play the game like how the other games that you have. not allowing all region to play this game. Hoping the game will close again soon. You fcking SE
this Game require VPN so if you want to play, i recommend Japanese server using BBVPN.. even for Global works for me 😁
I absolutely love this game! ive not had any issues with it at all yet. while it IS difficult to level up, the game is already very generous. cant get a limited outfit or weapon? no problem. just play the gacha enough to get it for free by playing a ×10 play. you will get stamps, when you play that is completely RNG from 1 to 12 that will help you get the weapon with 6 stamps next 6 you get the outfit.
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