Reviews(3244)Sort by Popularity, English

I guess this game is made by a low-budget startup/indie dev team, as some evidences like: - Unity splash screen - AI-generated artworks & voiceovers, probably to cut costs instead of hiring real artists and anime voice actors. however it doesn't mean it's bad as it doesn't look broken. - Lack of storylines, again to reduce the scope and costs. anyway it's not really a vital part of such kind of game where the main focus is just the player account & character progressions. Like many AFK arena clones, there are no much UI animation delays and short battle scenes, however something inconvenient is no auto craft feature, which means you have to craft from raw & intermediate materials required to craft final materials. Still a decent game to kill your time, but no interesting limited-time stuffs that's tempting enough to spend your money on, especially if you care on your wallet.
Graphic is AI Generated. I can see many characters with the same pose(s). The devs probably just go with 1 prompt and change the version of the output. Top tier laziness. UI is pretty but instruction unclear and the icon kinda small. The voice seems AI to me, too. Hopefully the devs know Japanese. Imagine a Japanese plays this game and confused about everything the characters said. Only 3 soundtracks, you gotta kidding me. Gameplay is Poor. No Class detailed information, no Class advantage instructions, etc. I don't even see the Home Instructions. Wasted. Storyline is some crappy stories you can take from everywhere on the Internet.
Graphics: Graphics are not that bad but it is never good enough to be considered 'good' too. Sound: Probably AI generated VA's since I didn't want to be bothered to know if they are or not. Even if they are, they made a terrible job. Gameplay: It has some weird mechanisms and some weirdo things. Storyline: Yep, you just got thrown into some other dimension where you don't know how. Plus, a basic lazy game sterotype is going on in the game. 'Maybe you can return after you complete everything' kind of thing. Value: Meh, just a lazy indie game.
Graphic: It looks like created by sole illustrator called AI, fingers look fine tho. Some hates AI, but this is subjectively good. Sound: Moaning sounds so dry, maybe AI did this part too. Hope I'm wrong. Gameplay: With extra crafting management, this is better than mememori. Storyline: 404 Value: There are many newbie & mission/accomplishment rewards. Maybe it's better to upgrade SR charas first, except you're a whale. You needs some shards to unlock new skills. Edit: Upgrade whoever you want, because you can transfer one chara's exp, limit break & equipment to another one (inherit) very fast, free and no limit.
A baboon with dyslexia would create a better game than this piece of garbage! Jesus,are all developers on drugs?! 🙄
A Good Game, honestly. Although as many people said, it's a low-budget type of game and the Main Story(?) or Main Quest(?) is repetitive. Sometimes the balance of the game is somewhat unstable or unfair(?). Anyway, they are not equal. Even though it was the case, I enjoy the game and the rewards is good. You can get 300 Red Diamonds daily which is more than enough for me. I hope for more improvements in the future but as of now, I still enjoy the current state of the game.
yeah it's AI waifus and repetitive gameplay. actually there's no gameplay as it all happens on auto. just leave your phone on, come back later and collect your rewards. pros: art isn't bad for AI Super generous with the standard pulls diverting enough. can't see any reason to pay for this, enough to do FTP cons: nothing to really do, would be great to have some "collect all" buttons I'll play a bit longer till i get bored
Simple repetitive gameplay but I don't like overly complicated stuff. Has AI graphics but I don't mind that.
good point is the girls graphic. story basically non existent. gacha roll is terribly low. i got 1 sss and 6 ssr from free rolls (over 200). and it is uselesshaving ssr and sss because you need DUPE to unlock skill which is so so so BAD. the clicking SKIP is...boring hell. do yourself a favor, dont download this game. i wasted my 6 hours life here.
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