So, here's the thing, I genuinely thought this game won't last 1 day on my phone, turns out? It's actually quite a good game for a number of reasons, I'm honestly surprised.
Short version: A game that would've hit more grounds if it came during 2013-2015 era
Don't underestimate this game. Despite the rather intense 3D Graphics, the performance optimization of this game is incredible. Your phone won't heat up easily. And despite the rather obvious plot in the intro/tutorial story, it actually gets better during chapter 1. Though the character selection leaves....more to be desired....Anyway, now, let's discuss the pros and cons of this game.
+ Amazing game performance. Fast startup loading time, little to no interval between screens/contents, no stutters, and more. Comparable to Epic Seven's Yuna Engine.
+ Good story and characters (characters ok, not character graphics/design). Despite the rather cringe start, the story gets better and the characters get fleshed out more.
+ Good VA performance (I used English), especially the main character. He's unnecessarily sound bad@ss
+ Great lobby customization comparable to Counterside's lobby customization
+ Professor Maxwell! Yeah I know, he's not a waifu and I of course dig Waifu....but I have to admit, this guy is much better than the female cast in this game (except maybe Stella). The voice, the Story, the skill set, are all amazing
= Oddly enough, this game gates character behind story wall. You heard right, story wall. You can't pull certain characters if you haven't completed a certain chapter. And that character won't show up in the gallery either. Spoiler avoidance? Maybe. Still, this is the only game that's done this, which is weird......well, maybe Guardian Tales kinda did this.
= Unlimited "reroll". The number of 5* character available to pull from is different then the standard banner, meaning there might be characters that you actually want but you can't get it from the unlimited reroll, like Arknights
= Certain QOL are locked behind base upgrades, which is an odd choice, but it's not locked behind VIP stuff so. .....ok?? Treat this like it's an idle game
- Character designs are too old looking. Feels like it came out before 2015. Close to Lord of Heroes, but Lord of Heroes has more expressive character
- Main Character design doesn't fit the bad@ss voice. Looks very similar to Cain from Sword Master odd choice if you ask me
- Weak gacha. That is, there's not a lot of characters that stands out, reroll would be pointless if there's no character that catches our attention
- Skip tickets. Nowadays it's better to have skips without the need of tickets
- "Forced" tutorial. You MUST do the tutorials in order to progress the New Player Missions. An odd choice considering this should be part of the campaign. And oddly enough, it IS part of the campaign, so you'll basically learn the same stuff not one, not two, but three times, whoohoo
- Low gacha currency gain
Ok so, hear me out. I might've written a lot of cons. But you know, the only major drawback for me is the character design. It's way outdated. They all have this big eyes, and it's not even kawaii like Clannad and Kanon. It's weird, it looks weird, to the point I go for Maxwell, a guy character, from the infinite reroll instead of a female character. Despite the roster is made out of 98% female character, ONLY ONE caught my attention Stella. It's the design, it's, it's, ugh. If this came out during 2013-2015 era, I'm fine. Though they'd lost against King's Raid. In this era?? Hello? Star Rail? And competing against Counterside, Blue Archive, Epic Seven? Right? The only massive advantage this game has against other gacha games (except Epic Seven) is how light it is despite the 3D Graphics and animations. Believe me, even Blue Archive can heat up your phone, not this game. Regardless, give it a shot and play until chapter 2 to get a feel of whether this one's for you or not.
Fiery Waifus and Epic Story: Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Outerplane
1. Great Story
I usually skip all dialogues, and I started doing the same for Outerplane, but at some point I realized that I am sitting there and reading the story. Its really good, fun and interesting, Isekai style. If you like that kind of stuff, you wont be disappointed.
2. Fantastic Graphics and Effects
Outerplane features Anime styled graphics which looks really good. Its pretty low details, but looks nice and fits the game perfectly. Character and combat animations are nice to watch and well done. And dont get me started on character design and art. Some heroes are very good waifu material
3. Different Combat Mechanics
Your characters have normal attack, skill attack and an ultimate. Then you have Action Points that are piling up over time in battle, they can make your skill attack stronger, with additional effects. On top of that you have link attack, where all your characters attack enemy together.
4. Free reroll for top tier hero at the start
You can reroll as much as you want with just 1 click of a button until you get 3star hero that you want. This works only for a special first summon with a guaranteed 3star to get you started.
1. Combat speed
Even with faster combat speed all the animations in Outerplane are too slow. You cant turn off ultimate animations and fights take forever to finish. This is the main and most important CON of the Outerplane and should be adressed by the devs. Ability to either skip fights entirely, or skip animations is a must.
2. Low amount of Diamonds per day
For F2P players it will be hard to get enough diamonds for summoning good team of heroes and upgrading them. Outerplane doesnt give that much of diamonds per day, so as soon as you will get stuck, you will get stuck for good.
Conclusion. Is Outerplane Good?
Outerplane is a nice gacha game, that you can play for quite a while as f2p, enjoying the story. Although if your goal is to collect and max all heroes it will be a challenge. Fights take quite a while as well. Other than that Outerplane is a great game which will bring you quite a few good memories.
This game isn't bad, it's doing a lot of things right until you get to the elephant in the room.
Graphics are great, though you have to have a phone that devs deem is "good enough" to take advantage of it.
The voice actors are great but you get some mismatch of voices that are pretty bad.
Gameplay is similar to E7, cept boss fight are closer to granblue with the break system.
annnnnd that's where my good will stops. This game wants your money, it takes a lot to limit break characters and you need dupes for it. With a 2% chance at a 3 star, it is likely that your team will be the two free 3 stars and 2 stars for a long time. The problem with this is that it separates the haves and the have nots. Those with money that can easily throw a few hundreds in the game and not break the bank, and those who have to hope and pray. That isn't to say that there isn't good 2 star units. But I'll put it to you like this, let's say that you was sword man jim that isn't in the free banner. You would have to roll for him on the normal banner which takes about 6ish minutes to get to. You'll get lucky and get him early, or be stuck here for hours like others here have commented. So you finally get sword man jim and now you want to max him out. Well I hope you get lucky because he take 150 pieces to go from 3 to 4. Unlike limit break, upping the star count gives some very great buffs to the character and vastly improves some of their performances. So you're going to be rolling for more jims, fighting a 2% chance, with the hopes for dupes with a resource that takes a while to give you enough for a 10 pull, like a long while.
Game plays fine, pretty fun, it just sees you as an atm and is trying to kick out the poor people right out the gate.
The Game's Pretty Nice No Doubt But At The Time That I'm Writing This Review, The Game "CONSTANTLY" Crashes For No Reason (On The Loading Screen) & When I "DO" Get Through It's Boot Up Screens(Being the SmileGate & VA Games Logos & It's Title Screen Logo) & The Loading Screen It Just "FREEZES" On The Main Menu Screen "AFTER" I Manage to Sign In The Game Proper & Go "THROUGH" The Game's Information Banners!!!!!
Afterwards It Puts Me In A "BRUTAL" Vicious Cycle Of The Game "REPEATEDLY" Freezing At The Loading Screen For No Reason & Kicking Me Out Without "ANY" Warning At A Moment's Notice!!!!!
Can The People That "MADE" This Game Do Something To "FIX" This "INSANE" ISSUE?!?!?!?!?!
Really Great Game, very F2p lmao haven't spent a single dime yet, but I Already have pitied characters twice because of the amount of free ether you get which is the in-game currency used for summoning, and all the special recruitment tickets's from coupon codes event and just logging in every day, in fact I have almost all the characters and im only missing 4 hahahaha, very easy to build and farm characters, materials, and the best part is the story like the characters are so fun and all have such unique and great personalities, specially snow when ever she's around you know the story is gonna be funny, she's the best character in the story hands down!!! and oh the side stories aswell so good gives so much depth to all the characters, the only thing I don't like is that PVP relies heavily on speed gear and since I decided I won't focus on speed here like I did in epic seven im stuck in diamond tier😔 since everyone just outspeeds and cleaves my team, but its'sstill a really fun game I love it very much!!!
After 2 weeks here my serious review. Old review just too happy getting Astei only to get spook by her again.
The game is not what you think it is. Gameplay good, graphic too good, music good, character good etc. That is for pros.
Now CONS that make the game suffer a lot
1. Mileage. FYI ticket from banner will not contribute a shit. Only ether.
2. Banner. The new banner that is not limited. Just rate up hero. The real limited is premium.
4. Skip ticket. Totally very fine system. If you out of skip ticket you in for 5 hours auto grind take really took so long for every mission. No jokes right here. Always the reason i drop the pointless grind.
5. Amount of ether. F2P my bois. As fellow F2P you not gonna survive. This is genshin but worst because skip ticket contribute to it. Like i said you will drop it more often.
6. PVP. Just lets not talk about 10 PVP you can get energy aka Token or 10 skip ticket. And yes really long fight.
7. Leveling Skill. Really?. Those basic skill book are the rarest and most valuable things in this game. You cannot get it anywhere other than per month from shop or long ass event. Which can affect your gameplay for real when it come to bossess even if you level 70 vs 64 with round up damage 77K vs AI 33K.
8. The continuation battle. Say someone call you or the game decide to f you by crash or kill itself. You will start over again. Really hate this part a lot.
9. Forgettable mission. How many time i forgot about the notice instead implement on one section.
10. Costume. Dont ask. Those are not Azur Lane level of expensive.
There my personal honest review about the hardship after i play this game. Few days past been thinking to quit. Its really hard to continue.
Like Epic7, but without the awful rng gear system. I have all but 9 units so far, so gatcha is pretty decent, esp from a ftp aspect. Reroll isnt terrible if you want to shoot for a certain unit in the main gacha. Rerolled for Valentine for a while and decided to settle with Saeran. Chose Maxwell from the selective summon... he's basically Vildred and can rush you through the early stages. Upgrading and leveling units is slightly tedious as you can only run the gold\exp\upgrade stages twice a day, each. Plenty of content\game modes to keep busy with.
All in all, definitely looking forward to the future of this game.
after playing for a weeks here is my review.
Graphics- It's not bad or good either, 3D model are nice but there are repeative movements, characters design are quite good also. this is +1 pt atleast.
Sound- VA of characters are clear but some don't match their personality and kind of repeative since they only have one voice every skills, introduction etc. it's annoying to hear them often esp. in battle. BGM is forgiving and effects. atleast they invest more on VA like alternative voice when unleasing skills, attack or even talk to them.
Gameplay- Typical turn based RPG that depend on character speed who will attack first, very useful in Arena, as for stages it nice to invest on attacks or high dps solo target, Aoe in Arena.
The game is very grindy also, as for daily dungeons you can enter twice only per day, for addtional entry you need to buy another ticket using crystal (premium currency) and for instant clearing you need to a ticket which you can obtain through your base (which you need to unlock and upgrade also to get more ticket each hour generate) or you can buy in shop using friendship, guild token, arena token.
as for equipments it's unlimited entry if you are looking for high rarity equips but you need to progress stages to obtain higher tier. there are also a tower to climb which give plenty of rewards, arena that full of cheaters/hack (bronze to gold tier) are only Bots, you won't face any players beyond that tier i don't know why, climbing to platinum rank will only players appear in the list. (still a good way to earn crystals til you reach platinum).
there are other dungeon as well like archdemon lair that reset weekly also. beside that story mode/side story quest (side story have 10 available entry per day and still cost energy upon entry)
The public chat or guild chat is dead, no one is talking maybe it erase the chat history or often auto switching ch, it's like playing on your own also, no active community chat even in guild chat.
guild feature is not much, only guild board to clear monster boss twice a day to earn tokens to buy in guild shop and medals to upgrade guild facility. guild raid is locked (future update). max. 20 members only. level up guild is pain .it require too much medals to level 2 the guild and increase member cap by 5. so on.
Stages difficulty sometimes hard, you just need to strengthen your heroes if stuck or bring one of your friend hero to help and earn friendship pt also. but last stage is unforgiving it's really hard and fustrating let's continue this in (Value) why..
Storyline- well K is betrayed by the princess after helping her in her conquest, that we swore to get revenge after surviving. it's typical like shield hero.. but some part are confusing like how they summon in different earth, era and science inheritance, there is no clear explanation still the story is easy to catch up it just predictable.
Value- After weeks of playing you end up hitting paywall or continue to grind for level up materials , hunting for good equips and upgrading because difficulty in late stage will stop you for progressing.
as for Hero progression you need to collect their shards to rank up them (additional tier or star) that can be only obtain in summoning gacha. there is no special dungeon to get them, the only free shard you can obtain are starter heroes or story hero character which you can 5* later in the game.
the gacha rate is really sucks, obtaining a 3* hero is almost impossible, including the banner, even you obtain a 3* hero it's hard to rank up them to 4* you need duplicate to turn them into shards. it takes couple of rolls and luck. (i think it's a bad move for them to make that way).
overprice in app purchase, too many packages, this game is money hungry yet not much freebies or rewards. even their compensation you can't even summon one in gacha. terrible devs yet the game has potential.
still of you ask me EpicSeven is still the best. this is average only but good time killer and i hope they fix constant force close, bugs, skipping skill animation because it's annoying to watch always every battle and consume time.
it's not good or bad it still depend on devs how will manage and keep the players thrilled and enjoy the game, i hope they improve game security also as i mention before there are lots of hackers and cheater. finishing the tower fast, damage mod, who knows what other hacks.
this game can run high fps without lag in mid range gaming phone but consume battery fast.
if i forget to mention something i should add in the comment.
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