Reviews(44509)Sort by Popularity, English

This is gonna be big bois, the beta was great. Can't wait for all the nice booba jiggle and fat booty bounce! The men of culture will unite once more!
Pretty good game. The gameplay similar to browndust or brave nine. So in the battle your characters looks small but not chibi. The characters art looks great. For the story, i don't know because i can't read chinese but i can Understand some lines from the japanese voice and the story looks interesting. Every characters voice is amazing and even our characterer (like shikikan in azur lane and doctor in arknights) have voice. And dor the gacha, it is not good but also not bad. But for me as a gacha player i don't mind the gavha system too much as long as the game have story and characters that is interesting. by the way the ultimate skill animation is great too. If you want to add me as a friend, here is my UID: 4010214.
So far it has been a very good game, it doesn't even need to rely on lewd stuff to be attractive. The combat system is like brown dust, very solid choice, I like it and the story delivery seens really great, it's a shame I can't read Chinese, I only can understand something because of the Japanese Dub (very good quality dub, btw). Sound wise the game is also awesome, honestly, if it had English sub and PVP (maybe I just didn't unlock it yet? I don't know, I'm in chapter 2) I would take this game as main. Loadings are really fast even on my crap cellphone, this "Eroge" has more quality then many games on the market, lol. And not less important, for the majority that will play this because of the adult stuff, I can assure that the art is top quality and very lewd (not as lewd as how to rise a harem, but definitely better). It also have many lolis if it is something you are looking for (those very lewd games generally have only a few loli caracteres). But don't worry, booba guys also will be happy here. All caracteres are made of L2D, even the 1* ones, and the art quality is equally good for all raritys. Ah, the rates are reasonable, I think? I'm a beginner, so I could be wrong, because these games are very generous at the start, but if you want to know I owe 4 SSR char atm (started playing yesterday). I had to summon 80x to get a banner char and the others are from: 1- The game re roll summon 2- A item that allow you to chose between some SSR chars 3- I don't know (lmao), I just earned it from somewhere, maybe the mailbox. There's also 7 beginners missions that you can fulfill to earn a SSR char. It's really easy, you only need to progress a bit through the main store, enhance some chars and clean some item dungeons (I'll call like this) I'm not sure, but I think it requires dup chars to enhancement (lowest point of the entire game). I hope they at least give uns many resources to summon
Сюжетка 3-3 это конечно загадка века будет для некоторых.Лично для меня это просто более прокачанная версия Brown Dust.От этого играть еще больше интересно но как и в любой новой игре есть на старте баги...не критично но для такой игры подобное немного странно...В остальном интересные подходы в обучении и подаче контента ...делают игру не такой второсортной. Кстати стартовый экран не как не реагирует на клики(при том что там есть надпись...start...загрузка идет сама без нажатия чего либо...если коротко...даже стартовый экран реализовали с багом).Только смена языка на Китайский/Английский позволяют без проблем проходить игру(анимация боя работать начинает после смены языка) Такая себе недолелоная версия впн😆
i can't rate the Story because i don't speak Chinese. Maybe If the game data isn't soo HUGE of 7.9GB... I could at least tolerate it more but it actually is more least than i expected to be. Σ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠) The graphics are certainly eye-catching but I honestly rated it for Mr.Qoo Event only. I genuinely want to get more out of this experience but it's just not my kind of game, the graphics are intense and is kinda bothering me. I did just that by lowering the screen, darken it, even used eye shield, when i do all that, it's a impossible to see anything! Sorry, my ratings are bad here but the real problem is the GB, and lagging overload! ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽ Sure, sure, uninstall or clear storage and date, soft rest or power off and on for 5, 10, 20, 30, and even 60 minutes again, I DID THAT ALREADY! Stop with Auto reply and copy and paste automatic message and instructions, it's clearly not my fault nor my phone, it could've been the app! I DUNNO! (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) A solid BAD/5 rating, happy? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ *I'm mentally not happy*
This game has great potential, it already beats most of the other gacha games in the voice acting department. I've played the big ones over here in the west and none have the amount of voice acting for the story unlike this one. Combat is satisfying once you get the hang of it, and pull rates are pretty good. I definitely recommend giving this one a try. If your an english player and can't read Chinese you will need a translator, I've been using ztranslate on an emulator on PC and it does pretty well for most part even though it doesn't officially translate Traditional Chinese. Any mobile users will have to screenshot and translate via google or through an app of which there are plenty, and those will include ads. Some text for some chapters have been translated and are on a guide in the English Support discord. (Edit: If you use ztranslate and are an emulator, make sure to use software or opengl/directx drivers, vulken drivers would not work in my testing.) Here's hoping it'll eventually get a US and/or global release in the future. (Edit: It's on its way folks, it is on qooapp and gp/app store, pre register!)
玩法跟Brown Dust大同小異,養成角色,按關卡需求擺陣排次序,開戰會自動打。算是戰略性較重的遊戲。 1星角色也可以變強、升星。角色有技能等級,需要素材升級,素材透過再次抽到角色來獲得,或者從各種途徑兌換通用素材(活動、競技場等)。通常低星級的角色較容易獲得其素材,換言之較容易養起來,我猜用到中後期也沒問題,我猜喇。星級上限似乎統一為6星,不知道到6星的時候角色的能力差距會怎樣。目前我有把兩隻原1星角色升到3星和4星、技能滿等,兩隻都是我的主力,其餘戰力有原3星也有原2星。覺得養角色是真的有用,不錯。 立繪好看,某些特別色色的,喔,讚( ◉◞౪◟◉) 配樂方面我沒有留意,但也不覺得有問題,大概中規中矩。 故事情節,寫得讓我想知道後續,覺得不錯。主線有配音,設定那邊還可以分別開關配音,主要角色各有自己的開關,其餘角色則總括成一個開關,這樣蠻貼心的,相信關掉主人公的配音會更有沉浸感吧(我沒在用這功能就是了)。 暫時是這樣(´・ω・`)
游戏不玩苍雾残响,就像沙盒不玩我的世界,读大学不读家里蹲大学,打篮球不看菜虚鲲,生活区不 看lex,学跳舞不看党妹,读书不读唐家三少,看新闻不看观察者网,moba不玩王者农药,哔哩哔哩不关注陈睿,说明这个人文学造诣和自我修养不足,如果你早 上吃饭香甜,那一定有米桑的艰苦付出。 如果你晚上大便不通,那必定是腾讯在从中作梗。他理解不了这种内在的阳春白雪的高雅艺术,他只能看到外表的辞藻堆砌 ,参不透其中深奥的精神内核,他整个人的层次就卡在这里了
Баги есть, ещё исправляют. Фан сервис есть. Единтсвеноое, что нужно, когда ты знаешь что у тебя твоя команда сильнее, но ты смотришь, эти ходы один за другим. Нет скипа. . Перс R - рисовка как у SSR Советую, Рисовка топ, подумать поиграть тоже можно. Когда персы дают тебе пиzды приходиться расставлять, этакий стратег
说实话,大家有多少不是被涩涩吸引进来的呢 总体来说还可以,游戏性本身…目前看来操作部分感觉不多?不排除后面还会有其他机制解锁。最开始的剧情安排,怎么说呢我个人不介意谜语人,但这怎么开着会就开始战斗了?这部分剧情安排不太合理。 目前就这些~
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