Reviews(17)Sort by Popularity, English

只要在紅色方塊落下時點就行了,關鍵在於你無法像在傳統音遊裡那樣full combo, 由於動畫時間原因,有些方塊必須捨棄,點錯三次就失敗,不點的話沒有影響,結果應該是計算命中的次數。還是比較考驗節奏感的。 在我摸透了以上玄機之後,發現遊戲在一首歌音符出完後不會結束也沒有結算頁面。。。可能與我攔截廣告有關
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This isn't the real melatonin game guys. Don't expect too much lol
ridden with ads. no tutorial, and it's not your traditional rhythm game so it's hard to figure out how to even play it. but everytime you die which is frequent with the lack of guidance, you get an ad. the graphics are also cut off as this game is originally a pc game.
i got confused most of the times because of how the game doesnt tell you how to play , it just tells you to play a song and then boom, also the game is really blocky or really slow . i would recommend it if it has better graphics and if it wasn't so glitchy and blocky, but thats about all i could complain about
the audios are nice definitely melatonin, but I'd like to call this game stress hormones game because due to the amount of ads this game has will keep me awake till 4AM and the game play isnt that healing tbh
This is some random game with songs from melatonin
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