The first time I laid eyes upon watching the anime, I already expected this one to have a game adaptation on its own.
I mean if you look at the synopsis/trailers alone its already telling you that theres's this one cringe gigachad that is surrounded by multiple females of a harem (+more since apparently they managed to amass an army of them in an island, but that's a story for another time for you to find out), its like its asking to be made into a game.
Story-wise its pretty ok, since you'll get new scenes that were not in the anime.
Gameplay-wise it's kinda plain for me, its your typical auto-battler rpg. Plus made easier with the simple upgrade equipments specifically given to each of them. The rng elements of the equipment stats are not as demanding when starting out, which is great meaning its beginner-friendly.
They also went out with the voices, almost all of them have one (even NPCs). Visuals are also nice, good Live-2D characters and visual novel-style of pacing.
Overall I would say its a pretty well-looking game. If you're going in as an anime-watcher its a nice go-to itch for after you're done with the anime and you wanted more.
This game is a pay2win type as you need to purchase an item just to open the extension of the event shop (most games part 2 and 3 shop opens after reaching a quota) and you need to do it twice which cost 2000 xtals each so 4000 xtals so that's a fifty bucks per event.
The story mission only gives 20 xtals per clearance, then you get additional 10 from mission clearance of it, but we need 2800 for a multi, so you can't really save enough for the next banner. if you want to save up enough, then go buy their monthly pass, which costs 10 bucks (twice expensive compared to other game's monthly pass). i know that I shouldn't compare as each their own, but this game is technically a PRINCESS CONNECT CLONE, so why can't they be user-friendly like it?
A buggy mediocre game, I can't even play the game since launch because I keep getting stuck at the beginning of tutorial because the game keep freezing and only recently that I can play it after using a trick to avoid the tutorial (using PC emulator to finish the game tutorial then transfer the account to phone).
the story is decent so far beside recapping the anime the game also tell us the story of Shadow Garden between the Claire kidnapping and Cid enrollment to school. Beside that this game also flesh out the some of characters that already and little spotlight in Anime, Manga and LN.
The gameplay is not bad but it not really good either, when you find out how it work it quite fun but so far at least for me it not quite challenging unless when the enemies strength is close to you because if you don't manage and pay attention to your team your tank can get killed and rest are literal paper armor. While it not really good we should remember that some of the successfull gacha games today is also have pretty weak gameplay at the beginning, and this game also has that potential of improvement (though it really unlike with crunchyroll heading the eng ver.)
Overall it is mediocre game that has very little source (if I remember correctly only 5 novel volume currently) unlike other game like Memoria Freese that has pretty big source (I don't exactly remember how volume it has already, but if I remember correctly it almost 20 volume not counting the spin off), etc. So unless the author is investing much in this game and it give quite big profit there highly chance that the game won't last long.
Edit : I decide to uninstall the game since Princess Connect termination, Pricon is my last hope on Crunchyroll since remembering their track record on terminating games pretty well still alive in JP, because of this I lost all my trust in Crunchyroll.
the amount of new bugs is game breaking now.
can not buy shards.
can not see characters to level up.
always after update stuck at 100% and takes ages and a few restarts to even get in game.
the recomended power is bullshit (recomended 9800 but can not beat shit even over 15000 power) fix this shit with longer timers 1min too short you need tank and dps and is frustrating to build.
i loved the anime was great.
bit this game however is frustrating with the difficulty spike, can be frustrating at times, and takes wayy too long to level up in comparison with the difficulty spike.
i hope they can fix bugs quicker i want to play but bugs make is impossible.
Game is good . Very stingy with in game currency lol. even though its auto combat with an auto setting for skills/combo. That doesn't last long. All units despite rarity are utilized and useful . Majority of units rarity shards are farmable. Awakening shards are harder to get. There is a good amount of strategy to correctly build teams based off of their job and skill sets to even progress in the game . The 1st day or so is pretty easy after that you gotta put your thinking hat on . Its alot of timing needed to progress also. I like it other than the limited currency given and the stamina system .
Perma crash in the tutorial in my android phone, no problem so far in iphone..
Gameplay is like priconne, where units auto use their basic atracks/skills, the annoying auto set in the formation is also there, so you can't pick who's in front or in the far back unit.. Story is common romcom that the harem just loves the guy no matter what he does plus the common misunderstanding/dense tag
I just tried it to check and read the manga, just not for me, the game reminds me of some sao gacha game too lol
i can't take it anymore, i gave it fair chance despite bad optimization and all, but the foundation of the game made me really losing my patience.. super unnecessary "watch this to progress", game seems not ready to launch yet they keep pushing paid stuff.. truly shameless.f2p doesn't get that many gem/diamond let alone per day, even per weeks it's so low it's gonna makes you cry inside. what a disaster of wasting potential.
The game is kinda meh but i guess it's ok for an early -ish game. The animation is great but takes a real toll on your phone, making the animations delay. There's a glitch where you open the daily quest it kicks you out of the game. Quite the money sucker. Hard to get characters. But nonetheless, I'm will to give it a chance cause of the anime.
For my first week its really good so far the grinding, story and gameplay mechanics but as of today im experiencing like every time im in game i keep going back to the title screen so devs if you see comment please fix it i guess???
The game is crap coz made by crappyroll.
1.graphic is good
2. sound is lost/missing sometimes
3.gameplay is pretty basic auto atk game(cant change target enemy)
4. srories its self is good coz base on novel&anime it self
5. game keep crashing, force closed, black screen, freeze scene after the recent update make it unplayable and the only respon they give "REPAIR DATA". and its doesn't work at all fyi. send another inquire u still get the same reply.
lastly if im not hold high appreciation for anime it self, im already uninstall this crap game.
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