Reviews(52)Sort by Popularity, English

One of the best games I've ever played in a mobile setting, I'm mostly inpressed with the fact that it doesnt feel like i need to purchase anything in the game to get it's full experience, the market feature feels great, the weapons and weapon customization are balanced and practical, and the healing system is just brilliant. The adrenalin felt when fighting a whole team while sniping, tactically repositioning to not be in the same postition twice, or when in a closed hallway using grenades and carefully placed suppressive fire to pave a way for an exit, or while barely escaping a game while having all your limbs broken or starving feels so exhilarating. One gripe I might have is wome of the map design, its not necessarily bad it just feels like each map has its specififc niche, making it feel a touch restrictive to play in some situations, but for the most part you can start a game with your favorite weapon and come out alive if you play your cards right. The only thing i look forward to is the additions of more maps, and or night/dynamic weather condition, overall it's a great game i would reccomend to anyone.
the best strategy FPS PVPE game which i ever play for now. Basically mobile version of Escape from Takvoc.
[哇噻]This game is superb but its too tough to play if you don't have any headphone then you can't play properly you don't hear 🙉 any foot steps 😭 but at the end the game is awesome 😎💯..
this game is very good i love it.❤️❤️❤️
you guys didn't put middle east in.....we cant enter.. .
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