Reviews(366)Sort by Popularity, English

app size is about 1.5 GB. the tutorial takes like 5 minutes and once you go through it once you can delete the account and skip the tutorial if you're going to reroll. so the gameplay is alright. you select cards and then theres a rock paper scissors format to decide between you and the ai who prevails. there seems to be a grind though as far as getting the units to 5* (iconic is the highest rarity but they all start out at 1*) rate is 3% which is good and so far the rate up is 1.5% of that rate. you get enough to do three 10rolls off the bat. my main complaint is that if youre looking for some characters (kuroo, kenma, kageyama, oikawa for example) they are only in the iconic tier. and with there being no way for you to select a character you want youll either have to wait for them to get a rate up or be like me and reroll till you get em. the other complaint i have is the chibi form for the characters but I'm not surprised. the game is more than likely trying to gear towards girls and apparently most of us prefer the chibi style. ill play the game until i get tired of it. edit: i changed my rating a bit because kageyama got a rate up but he's only .75% of the 3%, which is bad. you can tell this by how easy it is to get hinata compared to him.
I feel like this game is good! Or alright, I still have mix feelings. It's unique but gameplay wise it really depends on your team or strategy, playstyle, and luck. Gacha wise its terrible as always, but its also alright in a sense. I really am not sure. This game felt different yet it really felt like the anime in a sense and can be entertaining. Although I'm afraid it could get boring in the future for some, not sure. The graphics are pretty good and such and I don't have much to say. Overall, pretty good, the chibi style looks cute I guess, the overall gameplay is nice and such. You should try this game if you are a big fan of Haikyuu. But then again, this game also requires quite the luck so be cautious. Although rerolling is kinda easy.
The only thing im gonna say is if you're fine with losing against lower power/defense player than you.. this game is for you. Since even having like 500 more than the opponent power/defense, you will somehow lose to their ridiculous play style since their AI are always better than you no matter what. My problems. All my players are literally just bad.. even with their iconic status. Game is just pure RNG, no matter what.. move you do. (No Skill All Luck Gameplay) i have 2k defense and offense. with Oikawa and according to tier list, he is SS tier. he kept spiking out for me so idk if he is all that worth it.. This is only referring to PVP. As for Story Quest and everything else is pretty much fine.
Gameplay felt unique, volleybally like, twas fun and silly for the first couple of hours, then gacha game grind repetitvness began. I feel like this game in particular will be way more enjoyable were u to understand japanese or was it in English. There's alot of "score point by doing so and so" or google translate gibrish which leaves u guesssing tf u need to do ._. but o well that is life, we shall play till english version comes out in many moons (hopium). If ur a cookie kingdomer or mha ultra impactor or anything along those lines u'll get the hang of it ;D. Gacha reroll is great omg ./////. So fast so easy. Justt keep rolling till u get ur best boi/z and like 4 other iconics, i belive in u >:D And finally, now that im deep into game... volleyball gods give me kurro. My beloved pudding head needs his bestie. so many pulls in, the grind is real T^T.
How do yall switch it to english i cant understand
I like what they did with the gameplay, it is fun and all but it gets a tad tedious after awhile;; the gacha rates are somewhat better than the korean version tho? And jp ver has more rewards if i remember correctly. Graphics are fine, some of the chibi animations are a bit off imo but overall still nice to see. But the thing that concerns me is the powering up your characters part, seems pretty grindy so far and you only get like 2 equipment options in shop each day, you can get more in gacha but damn gacha's pretty expensive too when you just started the game--
[it's very cute!! the gameplay with the chibis really payed off and then the details like them messing up and hinata hitting kageyama in the head was a very fun and cool detail!! really like the game and hope for a global release [色色]] [GAMEPLAY] -10/10 -Chibis are cute, it may be confusing at first but the more you play the more you understand the concept and gameplay [鬼臉] [GRAPHICS] -9/10 -Very simple and cute [可憐] [CHARACTERS] -8/10 -Haven't played the whole thing yet but some characters showed in the anime wasn't in the game, but overall it's still great. [OVERALL] -Takes 1+ gb and 20+ minutes to download(depending on your wifi/connection) the gameplay uses chibis and the concept/gameplay is easy to understand.
Soo yea, this game is really fun! a long tutorial is not, anyways, your luck on getting a new high character is hard so probably can change that? sometimes it kinda glicthes for me yk, a black screen and I have to go out of the game and go back in, so probably can fix that! ANYWAYS THIS IS THE MOST GREATEST HQ GAME:D
The game actually follows the same one in the anime so, if ykyk... I play the game by context because it's in Japanese, but I'm glad there is words you can understand by the Katakana and English ones specially in team management, shops, tournament and more in the game, so some katakana characters doesn't stop me :D
Make this game for Americans (Also in English). So many Americans want this game in English. Please do it for us! We basically want to give you money, hahaha. I like this series and I, myself, want this on Google play to actually support the game and see/ hear it all in English! I know SEA is in English but I mean a global version American players can play.
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