Aside from the heavy pay-to-win aspect, I absolutely love this game. The art is great (booba = me happy) and the story literally gives me life (no, really, just read it, it's actually pretty interesting) and I love collecting skins (more booba!) for my characters. Gameplay is standard turn-based game style, and I'm pretty fond of the idle reward system. Zeus and Nuit are my favorite characters. The protagonist of the story is also really pretty :)
Note: The booba starts off quite difficult to unlock, so you have to be patient. You need to wait until you unlock the higher-level skins for your characters, which need lots and lots of Fashion Tickets (or whatever they're called)
Edit: Omg Himiko is so 💅💅💅 I love her too
Played this via Google Play for a long time then started using QooApp. The biggest gripe with this game is that the Google and QooApp versions aren't the same. Why? There's virtually no difference between the two that I can tell so I lost all progress switching to the QooApp version. Aside, from that that the game isn't terrible. Drop rates are okay-ish and you get character fragments which can be used to summon a specific character or used to upgrade them further. This takes awhile for F2P and P2W is highly encouraged since there's constantly pop ups asking you to buy something. You do get plenty of summon materials though if you're doing the dailies, area and other things. Aside from that, it's your average idle gacha. Play a few stages, maybe do a summon or two, upgrade, stop playing for about 12 hours, log back in and get your idle rewards, play a few stages, rinse and repeat. Nothing mind blowing here.
So, after a day of constant play, I have to say I'm positively surprised. After "How to raise a harem" I wasn't expecting much out of these kinda games, but the art here is very good, and the progression feels nice and steady. There's a few activities to keep you engaged, and a promise of more gorgeous units behind gacha to keep you focused lol
At the end of the day though, it's still an idle game, so the gameplay is nothing extraordinary. It was still entertaining enough to keep me playing almost all day, so I'd say give it a try. It's HOT, literally
edit: after a week of playing, I just can't stop! I'm having a lot of fun, and the help from the community over on Discord or in chat has been pivotal.
The game is extremely P2W, mind you, but even though I know I shouldn't support these kind of practices, I just don't wanna put it down!
Start at your own risk
been playing for a long time, although Im not sure why this version is a seperate app from the one on google play, the game is generous for the most part and constant events on their official discord
Graphics: 4/5 unit wise, you'll love them jiggly physics and some skins are mostly farmable.
Sound: 3/5 go use korean voice, the english voice is cringe and the jp voice is low quality.
Gameplay: 2/5 its the same old idle game, although you have to move positions once in a while, the only differenting factor about this one is that you bring 12 units total, although its better to just dump everything on 1 or 2 min units instead.
Storyline: 2/5 story is like whatever, Im here for those jiggle physics.
value: 2/5 you wont really get that much from spending "some" money aside from the 1st 2 weeks because of the time limited newbie only events.
overall: the game is decent enough to have QoL here and there, if you know what youre doing you can hit top 10 arena of your server even as f2p.
Game doesn't even open anymore so don't waste your time. They'll push out an update without any warning (seriously, it's 2022, put up a splash screen saying the server is under maintenance or something instead of just crashing the app) which will force you to uninstall and reinstall the app. And even then, there's no guarantee that will even work.
All the while, since this is an idle game, you will be missing out on idle rewards, daily tasks, and if you're in your first 7 days of the game like I was, you'll miss out on finishing those 7 day tasks before the timer runs out.
The devs won't offer to compensate you for your time or resources lost. They just respond to your email with the same copy-paste BS every crappy customer service rep gives:
"Sorry for the inconvenience, have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? Or restarting your device? Or [insert obvious thing anyone would have tried already]."
This is just a crappy idle gacha that has the same problems as every other idle gacha out there right now: poor handling of servers and updates, horrible customer service, and next to no proper communication with the playerbase. The only benefit this game has is the fan service in the amount of cleavage some angels show. If you don't play this while you're horny, you'll see how absolutely mediocre it really is.
Over the years the developers have shown that they care enough about this game to keep adding bonuses, events, and rewards that favor the free-to-plays just as much as the whales, meaning you can easily get and level up the SSR and SSR+ characters without spending money. Once in a while (mostly after an update) they will post a survey for people to take that not only asks about past/future events, but also about any bugs/suggestions you may have. The updated graphics that move away from that uncanny "half real half anime" human look are also appreciated. This game has a lot of stuff to do that also helps you to where you're not stuck behind a gigantic progress wall, and if you are, its short lived, as by the time you reach a specific level (usually the 10th level, e.g. 60, 70, 80, etc...) you have a new tool to make your characters stronger. There are no energy limits, you can keep spamming challenge in story mode until you get to a boss you can't pass, then go to thr other modes, get stronger, apply the buffs, buy things with the abundance of game currency, close app, wake up next morning, rinse and repeat
The gist is that your main character is the most important one, so you build a team that revolves around her and her powers with the correct links, which then daisy-chain to the other characters and their links. The higher your level, the more characters you can use. Of course it's not perfect, as this is one of those games that level cap the lower rank characters, so one you start to get the chatacters you need, you can pretty much ditch the lesser ranks, even though they have benefits to your main as well.
Overall, I recommend it.
The graphic is definitely the best. the angels will get you hooked up in the game. however as an old player who never would spend money in this game, yup it is bringing me down. The storyline is not something you would like to listen to. because? it's just another strange one, where you are suddenly pushed into a battle. Sometimes I won't lie, the art becomes a little to bizarre for me *cough* *cough* too less clothes but some characters are really pretty and cute. so yeah if you can wait for your bag to fill up every 12 hour and love to take slow, this game is for you, But you love to clear stage faster?? Then this is not the one for you. Pay to win is definitely not my type, so i waited whole 1 month and returned to take return gifts.😂
Although I haven't played the game thoroughly enough to give an accurate review and only doing this for an event. The graphics are pretty good execpt for Ungnyeo who looks as if a little blurry. One complaint I do have is for the sound. I wanted to play the game with Japanese dubbing but unfortunately they don't have any subtitles in the Hall. Any other story they do so your kinda forced to put a dubbed language your fluent in. Gameplay is kinda repetitive but it's to be expected in an idle game. If they can fix the subtitles than I would say this is a good game to leisure with.
Female mc??? Huge W.
But the optimization is pretty ass.
Graphics? Meh. Not really that great, but not really that bad either.
Sound? The character voices drown by the bgm; you can't hear what they're saying, unless you wear headphones or put your phone speakers literally next to your ears
Gameplay? Typical idle games. No more no less.
Story? Not really into game stories, but since the mc is a female, it's a huge W.
Value? Nothing much. Good if you're just bored or just want to try it for the sake of trying it. Bad if you're want to heavily invest to the game; the pay-to-win is a pain in the ass.
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