Pulling for new characters is expensive but while managing minor chracters and doing quests you can get tickets to get more. Leveling up or progressing is straight simple which I like compared to other games. Good battle mechanic to make multiple teams.
Game is decent. The sounds are pretty lackluster as there is no variety of attack sounds each character makes. Story seems decent so far yet feels lacking due to poor grammar in certain lines. The shared health and AP pool is both good and bad. Good due to characters not falling one by one yet also bad when skills come into play as one character can use up a lot of AP for one skill to where the other characters cannot capitalize on the openings said skill creates that same turn. Graphics are decent though the L2D can use some improvement.
No hard feeling but something else indeed become hard( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tried the game and one thing that annoyed me the most. The UI is so freaking small that some of you might need to squints your eyes or using a magnified glass just to see what's actually happens and it's that bad yes.
It need some optimization, my eyes starting to get hurt. Not just the UI, perhaps the L2Ds also need some adjustment. I feel like some of them is too small or missplaced? something like that.
And is that a mudafkin Granchyper on loading screen?
okay so umhhh,
pretty bad audio quality, graphic is mediocre
but the good thing is the gameplay is not auto reliant much, and heck i beat 75k power stage with 33k power team that has R unit in it , but ofc i do it manually after several tries struggling with combo rng
i think the gameplay outweight the other shit quality of the game, and ofc if u want to easy life on this game try get Colossal (or u can buy selector cost 90 crystal very cheep to get her), she is OP as f***.
i played once after download this game, then when i want to play the game isn't detect my network. COS login problem is sucks just show "silvermoon studio" then title screen with "checking update version failed" then i can't tap cancel or confirm.
I was play PUBGM with stable ping before, then i was login uma musume with no problem network but when i want to play COS, the network isn't connected. i think your game is broken! 👎
So far characters are pleasant to watch and look at and the game play is okay.
I'm pretty easy when it comes to games and this is a good game to pick up and play couple times a day.
If they add voice actress it would greatly help to improve game experience.
This isn't my final rating so far the game looks pretty soild. i like how colorful and vibrant the game looks which bring out the effects the characters when doing there special moves and it brings out the color in the game to. I'm not sure about the story yet since i just started but it looks soild so far.
Finally the game looks soild to to it simple and easy to understand plus straight forward with a twist of strategic play which looks good for plays like me.
really nice game to pass the time, the Team is looking forward to push this up, i hope for some voices characters at least of the main characters in the storyline, great work and keep the good work
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