this game will be the end of you. it will consume everything on its way. you'll go bankrupt, you have to sell everything you possess. Lilia Vanrogue will come up to your bed at night to remind you of your sufferings . Jade Leech will shove down mushrooms down your throat. Jamil Viper will have you on a chokehold. Trey Clover can and will bake the most horrid pastries and force you to eat them ✨ with tea✨. Rook Hunt will follow you wherever you go to make sure that you'll stay in this deep hellhole and yOU CANNOT ESCAPE.
Vil Schoenheit will poison you in your sleep because you're prettier than him and that you didn't snagged his Dorm Card. Leona Kingscholar will pounce on your for stepping on his tail because you didn't save up for his Fairy Gala. Riddle Rosehearts will insult you for being dumb and playing this game despite all the warnings you've seen. Idia Shroud will call you a normie for not spending at all on his Ghost Marriage. Malleus Draconia will simply laugh at your troubles because you're struggling to keep your sanity waiting for Book 7. Kalim Al-Asim will cry and blame you if you hate him because you're defying against the law. Azul Ashengrotto will force you to sign a contract that states that you're now a simp fof him and he would haunt all your pulls.
Do not play this game if you don't want to see Lilia hanging down like a bat at 3 am , Azul crying over a lost coin , Malleus yeeting himself every second, Sebek yelling because he lost Malleus again, Floyd fighting everyone, Jade stealing your popcorn 🍿, Idia hacking the school computers, Jamil being done of life and everything, Epel being Epel , Vil being your coach about your life goals and much more... (Also these are not spoilers but according to their personality)
Anyways real review time:
Honestly one of the best gacha games so far , f2p friendly definitely easy to get a 10 roll, by logging in , doing weekly quests and they're really easy it's usually "Play Twistunes 5 times." (That's the rhythm minigame)
The gacha rate isn't so bad everyone so far manages to get SSRS easily you can't just have 1 SSR you'll have plently
Stories do NOT cost any energy and you can always read them again
The game is meant to be causal even though the energy recharges very very fast you have 10/10 yes but events and log in give a lot of "shards" (way to restore energy) and events / shop as well
Promotions about 10 rolls are great 250 dias for 10 key while a 10 roll is 300 dias you basically save 50 dias
Whenever there's someone birthday you get a 10 roll
All srs are stunning you never get disappointed with the artstyle.
Story 5/5 Truly a ride.
Chara design 5/5 (It's made by the author of Black Butler also)
Events 5/5 Beanfest is truly enjoyable or the cooking event
Gameplay 4/5 Twistunes system is quite bleh for me but doesn't ruin the game experience nor the story it's just hard and normal that are insane.
Characters 5/5 you'll love them all for sure there's nobody you can hate or else fight me if you do
Voicelines are kinda funny and funky sometimes, and different from the original but still makes sense to the characters and give a funny view it doesn't bother me.
But everything is *chefs kiss* a beautiful mess of a game we all love here , this game has its own aesthetic and I'm living for it.
That was my first review hopefully it was complete enough and excuse my poor English too sgsghs-
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! WANGI WANGI WANGI WANGI HU HA HU HA HU HA, aaaah baunya Jamil wangi aku mau nyiumin aroma wanginya Jamil AAAAAAAAH Rambutnya. AAAHHH rambutnya juga pengen aku elus-elus ----- AAAAAH Jamil keluar pertama kali juga manis!!! Dia kalau lagi marah itu juga manis banget AAAAAAAAH JAMIL LUCCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU......... GUA BAKAL RELA JADI ANIMEK BUAT JAMIL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
Apa? Jamil itu gak nyata? Cuma karakter 2 dimensi katamu?
GUA GAK PEDULI SAMA KENYATAAN POKOKNYA GAK PEDULI Jamil ngeliat gw. Jamil di laptop ngeliatin gw. Jamil... kamu percaya sama aku? AAAAAAAAHHH syukur Jamil gak malu merelakan aku aaaaaah!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAH GUA MASIH PUNYA JAMIL, SENDIRI PUN NGGAK SAMA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
konsonan langit yang akan menjadi sebuah takdir cinta kita menjadikan hamparan bahwa saksi ini detik ini secara sinaran ultraspeng yang mulai diaungi greenday. akan menjadi cranberries cinta kita menjadi nyataa. aku sudah mempersembahkan terjun dari helikopter untuk kamu sayaaaaaaang
I have long been waiting for this game to have an English translation and finally it has come!
It did took me long to decide to write a review until Beanfest
A regular person having to wake up inside a coffin and having to chase around a cat with flaming ears, next thing, you learned you're stuck in Twisted Wonderland and has to go around the school surviving your new school life while being surrounded by powerful handsome men with issues-- ultimately becoming the underpaid overtime school therapist-student.
An oversimplified synopsis as to what this game is.
Sadly, you can only headcanon it as an Otome game since the design is a huge "clickbait" for a Rhythm game!
Did I regret it?
My phone storage does, but emotionally there's nothing to regret here!
As expected of Japanese Rhythm games and the fact that Disney is involved here, it's all safe to say that you'll be receiving enjoyable game design-- which then makes it seem like an Otome game all over again! (I'm sorry for repeating that)
For players that are artists, the game illustrations and sprites are more than enough to guide you especially the coloring and proportions. Above all, the characters are all unique not only in personality but in character expressions. There's also the animations that helped in the story narration especially when it's a 2D presentation and 2nd person POV.
As for the soundtracks, there's a lot of variations depending on the scene, events, and characters involved-- it's quite immersive. After having played the game and getting used to the soundtracks, the Last Song Syndrome in my brain will automatically play the "calm school life" OST whenever I'm just doing normal stuff.
It makes me wonder if I'm just vibing to the music for too long or I'm starting to go crazy?/j
Character interactions in the game is the most immersive, obviously. Not to mention about Yuu's personality is clearly a regular person but leans more towards the snarky and sarcastic side of humanity-- which makes it fun especially if you're someone who's less vocal of your opinions irl.
The game offers you choices but it merely triggers reactions from the characters and doesn't affect the story in any way, which makes your vocalization of opinions less heavy.
Well, going as far with all the students' behaviors in the story thus-- not only the characters but also the faceless extras-- as a normal person, we, the Yuu's, are the destined to become the mediators for this unstable powerful dudes. What a life~
I've played the Japanese version for a while now and I'm gonna be starting again in the English version!
Graphics: In my opinion, it is VERY pretty. I love the art style and the character designs which Yana Toboso had created. The characters are live 2-D with voice acting in the main story, a Japanese dub with English subtitles. The cards are all high quality and I feel they get even more pretty as time progresses
Sound and Voice Acting: I like the BGM and the VA's are really good at showcasing their emotions. There are many moments where it can be funny or solemn and they do a great job shifting the mood when it's appropriate
Gameplay: It's a more casual sort of gameplay where you collect cards and level them up for battle in the main story, events, etc. The cards are obtained through a gacha system where an SSR card is obtained pulling 100 times, guaranteed, or it can appear before the meter reaches 100 (it can appear in your first pull, first ten pull, etc.) albeit there's a lower chance. Of course there are events where some limited time SSR cards have a higher chance of appearing.
There is no meta gaming or rankings so, for people who are fine with a more casual gameplay experience, might like this game. I would say it's pretty F2P friendly since I haven't paid yet and I can still obtain the cards I want while being caught up to the main story in the Japanese version. The first ten pulls which the tutorial will give the player have unlimited rerolls. You can obtain 1 SSR, 2 SR's and 7 R cards which can be rerolled until you get the ones you want.
Lastly, it does have a daily login and weekly missions so you can pop in every day to login and complete your mission for the week which can take you up to 20-25 minutes as well as doing lessons which help your card be stronger and help you progress more smoothly through the story.
Story: I really love these characters and the story that is going to be told. They all have their own personalities and I honestly like if not love all of them. I'm not sure how many chapters are released as of yet in the main story but they all have their own conflict and unique charm. Also, something that is frequently misinterpreted is that this isn't an otome game, it's an adventure game focused on the story and the interactions between the characters and the MC.
(Also, for the people worried about the pre-registration rewards, it will be available to all players who have cleared Episode 8 of the Prologue on the 28th of February)
All in all, I really love this game and I recommend it to anyone who likes good characters and a good story with casual gameplay
What can I say? Pretty boys, great graphics and voice acting, an actually interesting storyline.... In total, it's a great game and I definitely recommend it!!
Just gonna nitpick a bit here, though...
The leveling up system is pretty crappy. It takes ages to level up your cards through lessons, and there's no skip-complete option even though there's no gameplay value in the lessons. You just have to sit through the same 5 lines of dialogue over and over in lessons as you painstakingly watch the level gauge inch a tiny bit.
The presence of the main character is also a little bit thin. At least from where I'm up to, their presence in the story is almost unneeded, to be honest... Which disappoints me a little.
Sure, I understand that this isn't a dating sim, but I at least want the main character's dialogue to make some sort of impact! If not for romance, then for substance of plot!
Speaking of which (and I repeat, I know this is not a dating sim and I'm not expecting it to be), it would've been better if we could interact with character of our choice. The vignettes are like little peeks into the characters' lives as they interact with each other. It's a real 'fly on the wall' POV, and again... really just makes the MC insignificant. Why am I even here if I don't even speak? Or, well, speak once or twice with no impact on the conversation at all?
Would be nice if we could unlock specific character stories where WE actually speak to the characters, instead of peeking into their lives.
Who knows? Maybe that's what the vignettes of the SSR cards are like.... not that I could get any, since the gacha rates aren't exactly kind.
Well, to end it on a good note!
I do love this game. The voice acting is amazing and it's been a while since I've seen such fluid and pretty character movements and dynamic backgrounds.
The story intrigues me, and the characters are all interesting in their own respects. I'm noticing that some characters do get a HELL of a lot more exposure than others, but... That's a rant for later.
With 0 being unplayable trash, and 10 being an addicting god-made game?
This is a solid 8.9/10.
I'm glad TWST got english version because I'm lazy to read all of the stories on wikia or such to understand TWST japanese🤣
Honestly this is the best otome game (if we call it by definition but TWST is far from ordinary otome game) I ever play. The interaction between Yuu and other students are realistic. And I love we play the character is friend with another character, not seeing them as love interests. This means it's up to everyone if you see them in platonic or romantic way. It's refreshing, really to experience friendship rather than forcing to have relationship with the character.
AND AS YANA TOBOSO FANS, HOW COULD I'M NOT LOVING TWISTED WONDERLAND??? For anyone who doesn't know, Yana Toboso is Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) author and she got asked by Disney JP to make game and here it is! And TWST characters similarity with Kuroshitsuji is uncanny. Of course Yana Toboso will glossed up all of these characters with in depth plots!
im so glad that the official english is here \(^o^)/!! i cant wait to reread all the stories again! what im not looking forward tho is collecting all the ssr cards i used to have on the jp server ( ˘•ω•˘ )... its really unfortunate we wont be able to transfer our stuff from jp server to this server but then again the other games cant do that aswell, but thats alright! i just gotta accept this and move on-
Overall im super excited to play this game after maintenance!! to whoever is reading this i hope youll have a fun experience playing this game! (≧∀≦)ゞ
this is going to be long so please bear with me.
first thing first I need to remind everyone that this is NOT an otome game! this game doesn't have any romance it in except for a few flirty lines here and there, but you can interpret it however you like! just please don't assume that it's an otome game.
also as one of the comments here already said, twst has some dark topics such as; bullying, kidnapping, family issues, and even attempted murder. so please be wise when you play it!
last but not least, the mc (yuu) is canonically gender neutral so you guys can imagine your mc however you like! please don't say that the mc is canonically a girl or a boy. you can make yuu whatever you want to!
now let's start with starting character. when you first play the game, you'll get to choose between 7 dorms and 22 students. you'll get SR ceremonial robes of the chosen character and he'll be set as your homescreen character. but dont worry, you can change it whenever you like!
next is the summon/gacha. you'll get your first free ten pull before prologue 8. you will obtain 1 (dorm uniform) SSR, 2 SR, and 7 R. the best part about this first summon/gacha is that you can reroll as many as you want! but even though there are 22 main characters and currently 18 dorm SSR, you can only get 1/8 SSR. 5 from heartslabyul and 3 from savanaclaw. so keep rerolling untill you get the cards you want!♡
there are 3 gacha currency in twst. free gems, paid gems, and magical keys. you'll need 3000 gems or 10 keys for a ten pull summon. you can gather free gems from logins, missions, stories, and events. and you'll get 10 magical keys every characters' birthdays! (you can check their birthdays on the official website! I'll link it below)
oh and you'll get a guaranteed SSR on your 100th pull.
next is the gameplay. there are 4 main gameplay in twst. battle, rhythm, test, and lessons.
first, battle : in battle, you'll use 4 cards of yours and 1 card of another player's. there are 4 attributes, fire, tree, water, and null. every cards have 2 attributes. it can either be different or the same. fire beats tree, tree beats water, and water beats fire. null is neutral/no elements. so for example, if the enemy has fire attributes, I suggest you use cards with water attributes to easily beat them.
next is rhythm : well I don't think I have to explain this, but the rhythms are fairly easy. and you can do it whenever you like! it doesn't use stamina or something to play it.
then the test : it's hard to explain this so I'm sorry if I don't make sense. so after you finished main story episode 1, you'll unlock test. test is actually like battle; well, it is battle actually. you can test your cards power in battle by doing tests.
and most importantly, lessons : there are 3 types of lessons; history, flying, and alchemy.
> in history lesson, you can level up your cards to increase their hp and atk! you can gain exp by doing history lesson or using nectars that you obtained from the lesson.
> in flying lesson, you can level up your cards episode level to unlock their personal stories! it is also one of the requirements to groovy the cards. you can gain ep exp by doing flying lesson or using snacks that you obtained from the lesson.
> and finally, alchemy lesson. in alchemy lesson, you can get items to increase your cards magic level! and you can also increase their buddy level.
oh my god I think I wrote too much ashkssiwujk I'm sorry, I'm too excited for the eng release since I've been playing this game for more than a year. aaanyways, if you have other questions you can go visit the twst wiki or the unofficial twst eng Twitter.
twst wiki :
twst unofficial english twitter : @twst_eng
twst official english twitter : @twst_english
twst official english website :
that's it from me! sorry I ramble too much I'm just so excited hehehe. see you later!
I hope many people will get to enjoy twisted wonderland as much as I do!
(I left this review at another app but I want to share this here too!)
Everything about this game was Beauté,100. From Graphics, Sound, gameplay was so simple and events doesn't requires too much effort ( which sounds fine to me ) stories are also interesting, and so's the characters.
Save your gems for your best boys!
I can't wait for pomefiore trio to be released
I love you Epel with all my heart, this country boy who wanna be as buff as savana claw boys and grew a beard on his face.
I'm willing to forfeit all of my mortal possessions for you.
Stan Epel for unlimited stack of apples 🍎🍎🍎
edit : i forgot to mention for new players of this game. Start strengthening your cards especially for overblot battles. it will get harder and harder as you progress into the story ( i swear, as a newbie player back then, it took me forever to defeat overblot battles with weak cards on hand.)
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