This is the only review you'll need before playing. Everything else out there either blindly hates it cause it's nexon or salty cause the "gacha" can't stress this enough the gacha system wasn't FAIR! OMG IMAGINE the gacha system not fair couldn't be me. Anyway a proper review would light this game for its true qualities which was great compensation rewards well optimized with a few hiccups that are being addressed. The story is great which isn't common in gacha games much anymore. The Sensei Student relationship is very cute and actually interesting. The game pronounces your username which is a very neat feature. Their is literally a reroll button built into the game for your convenience. Obviously as with many other gacha games auto does everything in the early stages but you could always take control for a better result. The game offers missions story events and PvP with a cafe that you can decorate it's like the perfect one stop gacha that you can enjoy in your own pace without feeling stressed. Not too demanding just a good enjoyable gacha with your normal mediocre gacha rates. If you don't wanna reroll and don't like the rates you should still try since it's a nice side game but there's other stuff out to play. So stop hating in the game like children and driving players away with these bad salty reviews.
After playing it for week
Gameplay 2.5/5 :
gameplay of blue archive is chibi battle style, you cannot control your characters and you can only click their skill, so the gameplay will bored you to death most of the times, there's a hard stage of course from chapter 9 or chapter 10 i think, but after that ? just auto on everything for equipment
PVP : pay to win hard, you only need 3 meta sniper that basically to op and all content involving around them, and PVP is RNG based, so if you want to win or lose it's not up to your skill but your luck and good luck with that, AI will make you lose often, and PVP is one of your main gem income when you reach endgame
Raid : one of your source income for gem beside PVP and it's pay to win, good luck compete in raid with your 3 unit when people that have money can basically stay on top with their unit all 5 star upgrade and with meta team as well
Story 2/5 :
The story itself is between good and bad, good is that is kinda dark and the plot is good and bad is the way teacher or us talking to students, from what i see when i play the chapters and see the dialog, i can see we(teacher) is a bit of a$$ho1e, we basically talking to our students with rude manners and the worse part is the student didn't hate us one bit, just they like "ok whatever we still like you", it's just so annoying when they do that
Gacha 2/5:
The gacha aspect itself is bad, i take back what i say, the rates in this game is so bad
Featured unit rate up is 0.35%
Non featured unit rate up is 0.12%
so you will have change to get 1-2 stars everytimes, you only get 3 star if you are really lucky and the pity/spark is 200 pulls
For dupes, featured unit give you 100 shards so you need 40 multis to get your characters from 3 star to 4 star and for non featured unit give you 30 shards
Paid currency is good and kinda worth it imo
Dev 2.5/5 :
This is nexon we're talking about, i guess everybody know nexon, we don't know when they will screw this game since the JP version being hold by yostar and not nexon, so just prepared if nexon screw this game like counter: side KR version
I give this game 2/5
This game is normal auto chibi game, if you are not used to play this type of game, just prepare to get bored real quick, and with nexon holding the game, we don't know when they going to screw this game, so just be prepared for the worse i guess
I don't know why it has such low ratings, from what I've heard it's something about censorship and of course, because it's Nexon, but honestly as a female I could care less about things like censorship lol I just want to enjoy waifu gacha games.
The music/soundtrack is amazing, that's literally what attracted me to play this game at first. I absolutely adore the characters as well! Still having a hard time choosing my favorite since they're all just so cute >.< Although there are some common tropes like tsundere, the characters are still loveable and I just get the urge to want to hug or pet them sometimes (and I can, I get to pet Arona and the girl at the shop it's just so adorable although they don't react much TT). The characters being able to say your name in voice is also such an unique feature, plus for that! Having a kind of a messenger app in the game is also beautiful, I love interacting with the characters so much through them and I get to learn more about them as well!
I'm not that into the gameplay, it's basically those games where you press on the skills and then just watch them do their thing until you have to press on skills again and also the auto is horrible so don't rely on it LOL Haven't played much but yeah I kind of get overwhelmed with many features of a new game and it takes time to get used to it all, and well I don't have much to say for the gameplay other than it's okay, just probably not my type of game but can be enjoyable for others. (Still gonna play for story and waifus)
Story is great too, I'm not that far in but I like the concept and where it's going so far. To put an end I'll just say try the game out if you don't give a shit about censorship (some girls in the game already do show lots of skin idk what's the big deal but ig just male stuff? lol), it's a great game so don't listen to those who put a bad rating just cuz it's Nexon.
i Kinda agree with the review below me. Mostly just salty people who cant understand math, culture, and context. for every 1 good review/reply, i see >9 unredeemable people but i regress. Back to game review.
+ Cute, pretty, cool, kind, smiley, sadistic, sister, maid, etc etc girls. Mainly 2D illustrations but equipped with some L2D on menus and 3D Chibi on gameplay. _(°ω°」 ∠)
+ Basically you are kinda self inserting yourself as Sensei in this game especially on the galleries, they just make you think these girls are alive as you unlock their stories, much more than typical gacha like FGO. i played that one for 4 years and i couldnt get into it, feeling that immersion much on FGO. But on this one i sure did.
- Sad the momotalk (some relationship progression with characters are shown using pseude chat app in game) doesnt allow us to save pictures in it and the scrolling in it is so bad.
Overall really good with some flaws which they wont fix im sure but they are ignorable.
simply good.
+ They pronounces our chosen name pretty well with japanese smol girl (yesh underage loli) tone and accent but somehow sounds smooth like a professional talker (granted this being a game so it is a real VA but yeah the vibe is a loli that can talk smoothly) with a character named Arona. I been using mine to make dirty jokes like
XXX WAN SEGGGGGS Sensei. Please schedule it" says Arona "to us.
+ Good musics and OST. Just check youtube and hear for yourself. i wont say it is REALLY GOOD like those famous audio music company works but it fits the situations and vibe in game, i just cant criticize it badly at all despite me being someone who loves to badmouth or undermine most things.
+- Not variative lines in battle but oh well, ignorable imo. The lines on the L2D is already good enough.
+ can auto
+ can do manual play for better results
+ playing around with cute girls
+ early update of 300 pity to 200
+- rushed reschedule. Think for yourself on how to take advantage of it instead of saying skipped banners, Nexon being stupid and whatnot. The real nexon thingie isnt on this part.
- ùseless profile. Literally does nothing
- Guild only for getting extra daily 10 AP. Does nothing else
now this is where the Nexon thingie comes in.
- Global server but we are less global than JP
- IP restriction
- auto server choosing, cant choose server
- shitty security where mods and hackers are everywhere
- slow ban, even though we give them screenshots and comparisons. Often take 2 days at least. They dont ban obvious hackers/mods by themselves at all either. Example: top 100 but with really really low lv implicating 1 HIT KILL CHEAT
- They dont fix abusable stuff and we dunno if they actually ban those abusers or just let them be
- they dont do rollback despite having some emergency problems after MT. Robbing the game of it is fairness.
- too much unnecessary censors when chatting
- they dont fix some issues at all, especially ones that crash the game somehow. I can run full graphics of the game without lag but often it crashes immediately when i
1. tap rapidly on anything, especially when loading
2. when i try to open the game again after some crash or after i closes other apps and try to open Blue Archive in quick succession
3. closes when i try to send image on customer support making me have to open the game like 3 times before i can send 1 report.
+ casual crimes with students UwU
+ basically GTA but using cute, pretty, beautiful and or crazy girls, with some extra big monsters. So a mix of GTA and Monster Hunter terms of story i believe.
+ lotsa of characterization in story
+ can replay story
- hard to rush when you are low lv especially on difficulty spike stages ahaha
+ good for artists
+ good for memers
+ good for gacha addiction due to generous rewards after MT
+ good for content creators who ķnows how to tweak music and so on
+ good as idle game
+ good for laughs as casual players can do it well too
- bad for your mental health due to crash CRASH CRUSH CrASh cccCCCRrraaAaaAaAAsSSsssSsSHhhhHH. Like 2-3 chrashes a day minimum. Honest
+- this good game might chance you into a pedo. All students are 15-17 years old alias the body can do it but they are not legal yet
Woulda been 5 5 5 4 4 if not for Nexon. Currently 5 5 3 4 4. This a prime example of a good game in a bad hand. Yostar where r u..
Regardless, just enjoy the casual crime with adorable illegal waifus.
LƯU Ý dành cho ae vn 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳
A. game có 2 bản là KR (bản kiểm duyệt che tào lao bí đao)
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Các bước VPN cài game:
1. Cài game apk như bt
2. bật vpn ( chuyển vùng ngoài KR) riêng t thì dùng Sin nên ae có thể thử.
3. vô game đợi tải tài nguyên (suốt quá trình KO ĐC TẮT VPN)
4. Khi đã vào đc game ra đc menu chính là lúc bạn có thể tắt VPN.
5. tận hưởng game mà k cần VPN nữa :3
blue archive
everyone is scared because this global version is by nexon BUT i assure you there is nothing to worry about because the nexon you are worrying about is the US nexon and this was helped made by nexon KOREA.
now the actual game
the ui and general theme is very modern and very soft, the ui is simple and easy to read which i think most mobile games lack these days
the 3d chibis are really cute in my opinion
and overall it just looks very cute as a whole
and the characters designs are very well thought out!
HOLY CRAP the soundtrack in this game i tell you
ive been humming the title screen for i dont even know how long
its just so good
gameplay is similar to priconne where the units do their normal attacks automatically but you click the skill BUT theres a catch
you can position the skills and where they will take place! this makes the gameplay even more fun and strategic
im usually not a fan of auto games but this gameplay is different
what i think is interesting is that the storyline can be quite serious compared to the theme of the game and i like that contrast. i feel like auto games are the ones which have the best stories... the story in blue archive is very engaging with good pacing so it doesnt feel too slow or too fast and you cant understand whats going on in the story
storyline very nice
gacha is similiar to priconne where theres no pity rate... a... BUT if you pull 200 times on a banner, you can exchange those 200 pulls for one of the rate up characters for the banner! i think thats very interesting so... SAVE UP YOUR GEMS!!
to sum it up:
cute lolis with gunz
Ok, the game is great and All, but there are some parts i want to talk about
1. I Like the Graphics of everything, the Visuals are Amazing! the Transition between Waifu 2D and Chibi 3D are cool! 5/5
2. The Music/OST, it's normal imo, the only good Soundtrack is probably only Unwelcome School imo, teel me ur opinions! 4/5
3. Gameplay is has different modes, i like the Missions since i like actions and i like to play it manually instead of using Autoplay. but i hate the Story Mode since everything is kinda boring to me. 5/5 for the Battle and 2.5/5 for the Story mode since oth are considerewd gameplay
4. Story, ah yes, i almost mixed Storyline and Gameplay together, my bad. Anyways, Story is kinda meh for me, i'm not a fan of a relationship between Student-Teacher relationship, basica,,y i'm not a fan of a relationship between a 15-17 year old Girlsand a 20-25 year old Male Teacher. I dunno probably becase i'm not a Cupcake enjoyer. 2.5/5
(Honorable mention, even tho i kinda hate the point of the whole story, it has different lore for: Character's, Groups, Schools, Teams, etc. So it has so much story that you can take in, if you like story games with alot of lores and stuff like this, this game is may be for you!)
5. Overall, the game is great! I like it and not hate it that much, i always skip the story tho since it makes me dies of cringe, but the gameplay is very fun! The gacha system is very fair imo, i'm not a heavy spender but no matter what gacha game i play, i've always atleast make 1 single purchase and buy a beginners pack if it's available. The game is not so F2P friendly imo, you can still grind but it takes some time
6. During the gameplay of this game, i've never touch grass for 1 week, glad i'm finally finished reviewing this game!
Great soundtrack, gameplay wise is like Princess Connect, but with cute 3D chibi animations and better gameplay.
Gacha rates are abysmal, expect getting a LOT of duplicates and if you want to enjoy PvP content reroll for Shun all the way.
There's an affinity system that have Live2D animations for characters with really cute stories. They are really worth reading.
PvP is pure meta with most comps just a copy with some that may have a different character or be lacking a character. They did a poor job at Shun, so much that there's no other student with the same kind of skill, because they know it's OP, shame on them.
Story content is good and quite enjoyable.
Will probably continue playing, even without the PvP daily bonuses and stuff.
GOATED Game fr, it is very rare to see a gacha where you could play at your own pace, the storyline is great the gameplay is simple yet challenging especially if you're aiming for higher ranks, the character design is CUNNY/10. Would like to see a alternate ver of Shimiko tho.
Абсолютно бездушная поделка сделанная чисто для дойки бабла. Посудите сами.
Во-первых сюжет, если бедно анимированную визуальную новеллу можно считать сюжетом, не озвучен нигде, кроме пролога.
Во-вторых, рафика в целом посредстенная, но требует далеко не хилое такое устройство, в идеале вообще на эмуляторе играть, если у вас имеется хороший ПК.
В-третьих, постоянно нестабильное соединение с серверами, обрыв соединения в каждой игровой сессии случается как минимум один раз (и это если повезёт).
Но главное - и я отмечу это отдельно - игру невозможно ни скачать, ни обновить, ни просто залогиниться, без VPN. Через мобильное соединение ВПН, вроде как, не требуется, но в моём случае это не канает, т.к. тариф лимитный и объем нужных игре данных выходит далеко за рамки доступного лимита. А через ВайФай игра, повторю, не подключается без ВПН. После того, как логин успешно прошёл можно ВПН отключить. Но тем не менее, такие танцы с бубном меня всё рпавноне устраивают.
В итоге мы имеем посредственного качества поделку, с ужасным технической реализацией. Возможно в игре, помимо проблем, плюсы, всё же присутствуют, но мне их увидеть на общем фоне, увы, не удалось. А тратить своё время на углубленный поиск достоинств в данном продукте я не желаю. Оно того не стоит.
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