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Bravely default: brilliant lights เกมมือถือแนว JRPG ภาพกราฟิกในเกมทำด้วยระบบ Unreal Engine เกมเป็นแนวต่อสู้พลัดเทรินกัน ผ่านด่านสะสมตัวละครอัพเกรดอาวุธ เกราะ เลเวล เครื่องป้องกันไปเรื่อยๆ อุปกรณ์ตัวละคร จำเป็นต้องแมชกับสายตัวละครด้วยการอัพดาวก็โหดดูยากเอาเรื่องอยู่ครับ แต่เสียงประกอบและฉากในเกมทำออกมาได้ดีมากๆเลย เกมเป็นภาพละเอียดข้อมูลใหญ่หน่อย ต้องเตรียมเนื้อที่โหลดเกมประมาณ 2 GB เลยครับ
Now, this game actually takes me on a nostalgia trip. I need to finish Bravely Default 2 but I still thoroughly enjoy this game. Albeit grindy (but still enjoyable), the game uses the B+D combat system loved by the series so it's like it's own game. characters are story oriented or purchsed with currency at a guaranteed value. so you're not chancing a gacha, although equipment is. But it's honestly not the end of the world in my books. Music, while reusing OST from previous games, still make me happy. Love all the music within. I was able download without vpn and just started playing essentially.
Bravely Default: Brilliant Lights is a single-player RPG that features a story written by Keiichi Ajiro (who has worked on the scenario for previous titles in the series) with music by Revo (Bravely Default, Bravely Default II). Combat includes the series’ Brave and Default actions that let characters use multiple actions per turn. The game implement “no character gachas” and features returning characters from across the series. The story of Bravely Default: Brilliant Lights introduces four new Warriors of Light — Claire, Steel Franklin, Sandra Cassandra, and Rufus — as well as the fairy Lumina. Embark on an adventure revolving around the Crystal with four new warriors of light. 5,000 years have passed since the death of the great alchemist who proposed the creation of Crystal, creator of all things. The light of the Crystal has yet to shine upon the land, which has become a vast wasteland called the “Blood Sands.” And a great rift valley created by a giant’s arrow has separated the lands from north to south, dividing people’s cultures from east and west. In this vast land ruined by many years of wars and “Blood Sands,” there was but one area blessed with water and greenery. It is here where our story begins—in “Brass, The Alchemy City.” One night, a shining ball of light appeared at the ancient ruins on the outskirts of Brass, illuminating the night sky. The following morning, Claire, who is studying the ruins as an alchemist’s apprentice, receives a request to investigate the damages… A Single-Player RPG that Anyone Can Enjoy – As a single-player RPG for smartphone, you can enjoy the game on your own when and where you please. But you can also enjoy the game with friends via the chat, guild, player-versus-player, and raid features. No Character Gachas! Choose Your Favorite Characters and Train Them to the Fullest – Choose and acquire your favorite characters, then train them to the fullest according to their abilities and traits. Play as a Large Number of Bravely Series Characters – As the Bravely series’ 10th anniversary project, a large number of characters from previous entries in the series will appear as playable characters. You can even enjoy previously untold episodes as side stories. Strategic Battles that Utilize the “Brave & Default” System – The battle system utilizes the series’ traditional “Brave & Default” system, optimized for smartphone for the first time. The system consists of the offensive “Brave,” which allows up to four actions per turn, and the defensive “Default,” which allows you to conserve actions for “Brave.” Determine when to use “Brave” versus “Default” in strategic combat.
game was super fun while it lasted. Im a massive BD fan and playing a mobile game releated to it was fun! the gameplay is nice if a little repeative, super easy to get characters and Equipment, great voice acting and sound design. but i kept getting bored because i ddidnt actually know what i was doing. would've been cool to see it get a world wide release then i wouldve played more with text i can read and my preferred voice actors, but instead we have just an ok fun-ish game, made by a crappy company, being shut down after a year
先說這個遊戲重度粉絲向所以不是粉絲的肯定玩不下去 只玩過BD/BS和BA的玩家,沒有玩過BD2的話那個畫風確實是很難習慣和喜歡上的新藝術方向畢竟之前的小組被解散重組 角色分成四種職業,選一個直接買不用抽,可是抽專武和裝備真的很看運氣因為是混池 玩法就和BD/BD2 一樣但是人物的技能等全部是固定的沒有隨著等級解鎖只可以升目前的技能等級,這邊需要買不同的角色去培養,然後升等級抽專武blah blah blah 這類的商業模式,好玩不好玩見仁見智 然後手遊嘛免不了的刷刷刷,但是這邊沒有別的遊戲的跳過所以只能等自動刷完 故事嘛也就還可以 我是希望這個遊戲可以做好維持長久 可是又對S.E 沒有那麼大信心,如果可以做好那就更好如果不能我也不意外反正是S.E嘛 然後不出意外又倒了,才13個月 已經開始習慣SE這樣搞了 至少故事還有寫完 用點心吧SE
The game keeps crashing, gonna rate 2/5 till fix
(JP) > ガシャポンのモデル/スタイルが原因で殺された別のライセンス/ゲーム。 (CN) > 由於扭蛋模型/風格而被殺死的另一個許可證/遊戲。 (EN) > Another license/game that was killed due to the gashapon mod/style.
Even using VPN downloading directly from JP Play Store still somehow doesn't work either.
awesome game wish there was a global version
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