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一口气打到了第五章,很好玩。不同于一般的同类游戏之处在于,游戏没有时间限制,可以慢慢考虑每一步的行动,目标是在打死怪之前积攒更高的分数,玩家的血量在最后算总分时会有加成,所以要在积攒分数与维持血量间权衡。每个角色都有不同技能,技能在消除积攒一定量后会以技能方块的形式出现,也可以在同样角色五个连消时合成。技能种类有范围攻击,恢复,催眠等等。玩到现在我觉得最好用的一些有,菱形范围攻击(很常见),恢复(很重要),下方范围攻击(五星的龙),横向范围攻击,X形范围攻击(五星的机器人)。 游戏初期很简单,后面每一章都会引入新的机制,比如加入桶会阻碍方块掉落,方块被藤蔓缠住要先攻击一次才可解开,出现横向或纵向的栏杆,只能被垂直方向的攻击消除,或者在一定区域的方块会旋转。 每一章结束的BOSS战会与一般关卡不同,BOSS会移动,出现的技能方块不及时使用就会被BOSS遮挡。 有关抽卡,我觉得不同星级间角色的属性差距不是很大,关键是看技能种类,范围等等,有些三星角色也很好用 ,所以不用执着于要抽到最好的角色。可以用抽卡硬币抽卡,这个应该可以课金获取,也可以用金币抽卡,3000一次,玩一局大概能得20。游戏貌似有体力限制,每个关卡首次完成会奖励一个体力所以目前我还没遇到问题。估计是在体力用完后不能得到报酬这种形式。
A great mix of DQ and Match 3 puzzle akin to Magic the Gathering Puzzle Quest. Some mechanics are borrowed from SQEX old puzzle game Gyromancer. Rerolling is the biggest issue here you are forced to complete the whole chapter 1 for you to get x10 pulls and I tried checking if there's a way to bypass it but I'm unsuccessful. All skills are relevant and has deep connection to the lore like for example. Moosifer skill is Kaboom! In all DQ games Moosifer can really cast Kaboom! Great Dragon can unleash Ka-Crackle Breath so on and so forth. DQ Keshi Keshi has a funny storyline easy to digest to some readers and the gameplay is easy to pick up but some stages can be annoying at times if you want to get a mini medal(3*). Rerolling and tips to get high score: When rerolling aim for the ff: 1. Archdemon 5* - has uber range and could easily clear debris (currently the best unit in the game). 2. Killing Machine 5* - X attack x2. X attacks are OP in this game even the 3* unit who has this type of attack is stronger than some 5*. 3. Dragon Killer 5* - This sword unit destroys everything when skill matched dealing massive damage. Tips to get high score and 3*. The game score mechanics is simple kill everything you can with 1 blow by matching the same unit while keeping your HP at full. Both Overkilling and Elemental Weakness also plays a role in getting a high score.
not my cup of tea, plays exactly like One Piece Bonbon Journey. -long tutorial before you can summon x10( as of launch no rewards have been given out) -your summon currency is also your upgrade currency(Gold) +music is very nice as all DQ titles +good story and cute characters +gameplay is easy to understand even if its not your language
Unlike it's counterpart (Pkmn Cafe mix) the campaign levels are better but unfortunately i can't read japanese but i guess the story is just mid and full of fan service like yeah every dq characters are here! Good thing i really like in this game are the events and the free goodie. The gacha rate here are nonsense tho sometimes you will get the thing you want but sometimes you will never get them no matter how much you spend, like every other gacha games ig..
3 match game with grinding level dan skill. gacha : rarely for free player, so expensive [可憐] some monster can use as fusion material, and as result rarity up and back to level 1, choose wisely. get point from : 1. killing monster 2. Health Point (HP), more HP more point bug : always log out every time clear hard "book" phase.
Square Enix hates global players
App force to closed before animation. Dont know what happen
fantastic best match 3 rpg ish Ever have i played! i love this so much
very fun silly game
Its a unique puzzle game.You can change monsters,you can catch them.
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