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Reviews(9)Sort by Popularity, English

This rating is because I have tried to sign up for 3 hours now, and it wont let me sign up.
very useful app for photocard collectors. but function wise not as stable. unable to see follow artist, after clicking on follow results is not saved. will need to follow again when searched for the same artist. same for the Have, Dont Need and OTW buttons :( looking forward to the stabilisation and improvement of this app. this is honestly a good one!! :))
This app has so much potential but its is handled terribly. Availability in some countries on stores like Play Store is inconsistent and it lags so much to the point that the app is unusable. I'm really looking forward to it but it needs fixing asap
Still needs a lot of improvement as most of the options are disabled. I appreciate the effort that was put into the app!
i still can't sign up
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