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AS MUCH AS I LOVE PRIPARA , THIS GAME IS SUPER UNDERWHELMING COMPARED TO OTHER RHYTHM GAMES AND THE TIME WE WAITED FOR IT. waiting three years for this game is not worth. heres why: 1. the models of the game are likely direct copies from the 3ds/switch version, but it looks even worse. if your mychara is of a darker skintone, the cyalume change makes your skin look orange ?? how does this even happen. 2. MOST THINGS ARE LOCKED BEHIND A PAYWALL. i dont need to explain why this is bad,if you dont spend money you can only play 5 songs and the rest are paid. you can't get the outfits that the characters worn and you can't even take pictures in the studio without paying for the premium pass. 3. you have to wait to get in the game. because the server of this game is absolute trash, you have to wait in line to play the game , even if you can enter it , the game itself is so laggy and slow that the character models present in the plaza take literally ages to load. 4. the gameplay is not fun. if you dont spend money, you basically only do 1 thing when you play this game: play the promise live or photoshoot mode. you do this over and over again until you buy the few free clothing in the shop. there's nothing to do besides playing the same 5 songs over and over again. even if you spend money, the gameplay doesn't get more fun, you just have more songs to play and clothes to wear, the cycle is the same. 5. gacha. this game has a gacha system. but it's only for players who pay money. you get 4 gacha tickets from the pre registration reward, after that its no more until you pay up. overall, not worth your time and phone storage. if you really want to play, play the 3ds or switch versions instead.
From the very start you can see it's a total cashgrab. Songs, coords, photo studio and gatcha can be bought only with gold currecncy that you can only get by buy with irl money. The prices are ridiculously high for rhythm/fashion game. The promise system is interesting and they only need to perfect it. From my side I'll need to get use to it, after some time I might start to like it. The sounds are good and songs are fun to play, it's very similar to the switch game and since I only played it I can't compare it to arcade. Though grapchics are quite good and the game tuns smoothly on my phone besides the fact that it has been in maintenance more than I could play. All in all I am playing for nostalgia's sake and don't ever spend money on this black void
This game is very great! The maintaince might be stopping us but the wait was worth it. It has nice aminations, storyline etc Overall this game is worth it, why not give it a try?
so far everything great, the animations, graphics and value. there are free songs and purchasable songs. when doing songs you can play with up to 3 people. hosted songs can set requirements such as having certain outfits. each song you play gives you give in game currency that allows you to purchase more cords. you seem to unlock items such as character creation parts by increasing player level. there is a gacha but there are outfits you can buy that will change regularly so far I've seen only seen characters from the original pripara series but I'm definitely praying for a pri chan Collab. 7/30: okay, so the story comes from the movie building in game. (not sub, which is understandable since the game only Japanese.) the paid price of things... I think is fine since of the paid clothes usually iconic outfits from the series. for me: songs = like a dollar paid outfit set varies from 13$ to 21$. top varies from 6$ to 10$ bottom and other 3$ to 6$ gacha 1= 1$ 10 = 13$ I don't know i think it reasonable. even if it expensive for others (no it im not rich nor have big income) there PLENTY OF OUTFITS FOR NON PAID CURRENCY. so should be no reason you don't have a wardrobe full outfit by being f2p. i do have something that bothers me, that joining others players songs or photos shots has no real benefit for players aside from the host. so most case no one want to actually join others games due to that. i honestly don't mind helping others song especially friends but people not so much. i can be extremely frustrating especially when your trying to level or earn currency for a new outfit. anyways I'm still enjoying the game, AND MY GOD, I LOVE HOW ADORABLE AYARI(MY CHARACTER ) IS!!!
(I originally wrote this review back in august but due to technical difficulties I couldn't post it until now) I'm a little sad to write this review but honestly this game doesn't do much for me. And it makes me upset bcz we had to wait so long for it but honestly the outcome of waiting these three years is just disappointing. The graphics are okay. Though you can tell they just ripped it from the 3ds/switch games and changed it juuust a little bit so it'd function well enough on a mobile device. But some stuff just?? confuses me??? Like for example, why is it that during the cyalume change, if you have a dark-skinned character, their skin turns orange? This isn't an issue with the 3ds games. Not sure abt the switch game bcz I don't have it, but this doesn't happen in the 3ds games?? So I'm confused as to why it happens here. Also the way their faces look is so dead? and kinda goofy lol especially on your profile photo. It's Pripara and I love idol songs, so ofc the music is gonna be great for me. It'd be even better, though, if I didn't have to pay for most of them. Majority of the songs you get with gold currency, which you can only get with real money. If you're going completely free, you'll only have five songs to play. Should've expected this, but I didn't. Playing the same five song is gonna get kinda annoying. Plus, it seems all the new songs they'll be adding also requires you to spend real money. Speaking of spending real money, most of the game is locked behind a paywall. You have to pay for photoshoots, majority of the coords, and the gacha system. This means the only free gameplay you have is the five songs they give you to play. You can pay for the content with USD, so no need to convert your money to yen to buy these. That's nice and all, but that still doesn't change the fact that you have to pay at all. I feel like they should've mentioned this somewhere in the advertisements, because the trailers obviously made most people believe this was completely free. The actual game is the same as the 3ds and switch games. You tap the buttons to the rhythm. You also get moments where you have to tap friend tickets or film, and during the cyalume change, you have to tap the screen really fast. All of this is fine, just wish there were more free-to-play songs to enjoy it with. The story is pretty simple. "Every PriPara around the world gets a new update, however, during the updating process, a system glitch occurs, resulting in all the Prism Stone shops disappearing and ending up in a place outside of time and space. Because of this, all idols who weren't in Prism Stone lost all memories of PriPara, and to gain access to it again, they have to remember it of their own accord." according to the unofficial pripara wiki. That's all cool, but from what I could see from the game, there's no playable story mode. Or perhaps you have to pay for it? Wouldn't be surprised tbh. Anyways, we never see this story progress at all (at least from what I could tell). Maybe playing the songs is how you progress?? Probably. There's also a web series, but I'm unsure whether it's ongoing or not. Maybe that has more story. But you won't be getting much story content from this game. Overall, it's a mixed bag for me, I guess. It's alright?? But very obviously a cashgrab. I'm glad I got to play and experience it for myself (after the unexpected long maintenance and the limited server space), but I think that's all I'm really gonna do. I think I'm just gonna clear the cache and leave the app somewhere deep in my tablet[大哭][大哭] It's a shame bcz we've been waiting 3 years for this game, but I can't help but be disappointed.
As a long time Pripara fan, I had some expectations for this game considering the series is literally "on going." I've watched the anime since it's launch and the older Pretty Rhythm series growing up. I was expecting a decent game but all I got was a mediocre rhythm game with a title with a even more cheap "gacha" for designs/cords of the series. The dress-up aspect is okay but it is not the saving grace of the game. My wifi/internet is pretty strong and I have decent amount of storage and memory, and running this game is a literal nightmare, the game lags and doesn't load, or it kicks you back to the main title screen which is inconvenient.
The game is good at graphics, even in game play but i hope that the songs they add was only free, so that many players are played more songs. I sudggest that the gatcha was not a paid coins to get a gatcha for dresses, just like other Rhythm games do, and i hope that this game was developed even more so that other players get curious about this game. And i wanted or requested that after a lot of updates new songs, dresses, even a new features or shops or activities in game was add to so that its even so much fun of playing Sorry for my grammar
This game is AMAZING! Okay but PLEASE stop lowering it's rating jUsT bEcAuSE yOu cAn'T gEt iN!!!!! **TIP HOW TO GET IN SO READ** If you want to get in JUST SPAM CLICK FOR LIKE A MINUTE OR TWO!!! If you will just keep presing okay and try again IT WILL LET YOU IN! it might take a minute or 2, BUT BRUH ITS NOT THAT LONG!! Overall I love this game! Everyone saying therr are a lot of paid stuff but Sure, there are paid costumes and songs...BUT NOT EVERYTHING??? Ofc there not a lot of costumes and songs, 'cuz the game just relesed lmao. But I surely reccomend to try it! *Btw it takes around 2-3 gb so don't worry!!!)
waited since the day of release, never get to play the game. It sucks that it limits the amount of players to keep the balance in the server and its only one server. Can't they create more server for everyone to play it ![驚訝][發火][大哭] Updated: im able to play the game now and there is update of the costume in the shop as well as the shop after a live. Money will expire after a week from obtaining. Promise ticket is given everyday.[開心] Certain appearance is obtained through lvl up. Hope to get more free songs to play for live. Updated - new song and costume need to pay, this makes it hard for player to play this game anymore.
Similar review: It's a carbon copy of the Nintendo Switch version The only think better about this is the updated/new coords, but it's mostly guarenteed to be pay-walled. The social aspect isn't heavily incorporated to the gameplay, and the extra places (photobooth? theater?) isn't exactly entertaining. Not a lot of songs, and almost all of it are old ones from the previous game. Unlike the previous game, this hardly has any prominent storyline to it. It's a nice game for introduction of the franchise, or to reminisce about your childhood a little. However, if you're already familiar, I recommend you to play the nintendo 3ds or the switch version instead.
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