When you first open the game you're asked to download an additional 350mb. A small number, except they didnt zip the 2885 files. Even with 2 gig internet it took almost 15 minutes to download. Made it feel like it was 1999 again. When you're done it asks you to choose between 3 different characters as the one you start the game with. I did not get that character.
Once you're past that you get zero tutorial (or guided clicking session), which is fine since this game is a braindead idle gacha. If you've played any other idle gacha you will be able to navigate the whole game and know exactly how every feature works even if the translation is bad. I was able to beat the first 30 levels of the "adventure" mode with only the free lvl 1 character with no equipment. Just kept clicking Start Battle and Skip over and over until I got bored. Combat just has icons that shake and send a lil sparkly animation at the enemy icons. There is no substance here. Played on mute so can't comment on sound or voice acting. There is no story.
Gacha pulls are shard-based so you have to successfully pull the character you want several times before you actually get them. They also mix resources into the gacha pool. I am not a fan of that at all.
Skins are probably why most of you are here. They're definitely horny looking but I'm not spending money on this crap to find out if they're well animated (or even animated at all). The game also constantly bombards you with popups asking you to pay for various things.
Overall, this comes across as a low-effort cash grab. Wouldn't recommend. I assume most of these positive reviews are from bots
I honestly have no idea whats "awake" about this game. The original version is still up on the site by the way, so this seems redundant, especially when "Attack on Time Kaisen Girls" plays exactly like this game as well, including sound effects. Only thing that seems to be missing is the affection/love mechanic, plus those games have a story, where this one doesn't.
You can pretty much solo this game easily (i.e. use one character only). Max stats to their limit, hit progress wall, close game, wake up, do the same except get a little furthur. It's boring and generic to the umpteenth degree.
Whoever is giving this a high score is either a bot, or so desperate for anine titties, they need their head examined because there are far better games out there with anine titties.
It feels similar to the other version, but the devs seemed to have went even further now. The game backflipped into the 18+ content and doubled down on the lewd characters. I might have to check if the old version is still available, I had quite a few characters collected in the first version.
Edit: I did check and they actually removed some of the old bad models and replaced them with some higher quality ones, also the new characters and skins are not in the old version. I guess it's time to grind again.
Good game, its the type of gacha that o was waiting for. One thing that i don't really like is the fact that they are edging nudity to the maximum possible.
Besides that the gameplay doesn't make you spend more than 2-3 hours per day so it's good for a mobile game.
As far as i know, there isn't a community attached to it and i would have loved to see how others players are handling their account.
When it comes to choosing a character I don't really know if some are stronger than others, it takes time to read the abilities of each characters but it might feel really satisfying to build a good team.
Well, just be carefull to play this game, becase the dev really didnt like you grinding and saving too many that UR+ Ticket and "Academy Emblem" Summon, also if your power was too high, they will banned you..
They really think that i was hacking cause i have too many "Academy Emblem" and my power was too high..
because i got banned on Girl Academy because of that reason 😮💨🤡
They labeled this game Awakening and re-released it, the only awakening they did was reduced drop rates for shards. I used all of the starting tickets they gave and didnt manage a single unit. I dont think i have ever hit a paywall so fast in a game in my life. The girls are cute, dont get me wrong, but i am not willing to grind fornyears to obtain them
Why is EVRYTHING here is AI generated?
Graphic is AI, story is AI, coding is AI, GM is AI.
Dev really wanna abuse AI for some serious money printing.
Qooapp should stop pushing AI generated mass produced crap game
Save yourself the trouble and skip this, it really isnt't worth.
Most of the game is a copycat of the previous version that was soo dead they made this one.
There are a few new units locked behind paywalls together with every other good unit, apart from that nothing new.
They should simply make a new game instead of puting
"new lipstick on an old turd "
greed and lazyness/10
Ich hatte zumindest einen kleinen Hoffnungsschimmer was dieses Spiel anbetrifft, doch dieser wurde nach einigen Spielminuten direkt zunichte gemacht.
Meins ist's definitiv nicht, aber vielleicht bist Du interessiert, wenn Deine Ansprüche nicht hoch sein sollten und Dir ein paar Klicks und nette Bildchen ausreichen.
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