So I believe the thought process for this game went like this:
"What if 'Senran Kagura' except in Midieval times and it's more an RPG than a beat-em-up. Also the events may or may-not be made up in this guy's psychotic mind."
That's pretty much this game. Piss easy game too, enemies take damage like nobodies business, and you're constantly given summoning tickets. That's not a knock on this game though, I wish more games were this generous with their summons. The english translation is clearly unfinished though, as chatacter stories and even some chats are still in Korean.
Basically make a team, set auto-start next chapter, leave phone alone, come back, level up and equip better gear, lather rinse repeat. Only time I encountered a wall was the EXP/Gold/Boss trials, but thats expected. This game is so fast-paced, you'll be getting more done in one day than any other gacha you've probably ever played.
Swordmaster Story's successor.
Epic Seven mixed with Girl Wars on an idle motiff.
- Very generous early game entry
- Easy workarounds on various QoL to the point whales have finished v1.0 content (WTF XD)
- Easy to understand game mechanics
- Very good graphics
- Relatively runs smooth on game
- Was released too early; with the obvious game launch birthpains
- Can't operate normally w/ overlay apps (ex. screen recorder)
- Tendency to get stuck after a period of gaming
- 3* & 4* units will be left behind after a certain growth, wasting these characters unlike E7, where 3* & 4* units are viable mechanics-wise
- VERY HEAVILY META-ORIENTED to the point you waste characters & resources invested. Fix this immediately or...
I suggest playing this game at leisure; don't rush, or you'll end up bored relatively quickly.
Didn't expect to like this as much, pretty sure this is the first review I made in qooapp.
a) character idle lineart & details are allright-ish, nothing too special, similar to old game "sword master story" (iirc) but could be improved & I hope they get better in the future, more details for shadows & highlights would be great, like BrownDust2 & Nikke idle 2D models.
b) 2D models in combat look really nice & made me feel nostalgic, tho I can't quite remember which game was it lol. SR & SSR skill cutscene-animations are SUPERB and it's the number one thing that I love about this game, hopefully won't go to the "echocalypse" route where they only did it on early versions. Also, I wish we can use skill animations as lobby screen! and please add more characters for the lobby.
c) Characters voicelines are kinda weird since en & kr got mixed, hoping for jp voice if possible.
d) Leveling/upgrading units feels a bit tight from thin resources.
e) need more options to clear daily mission reward.
Hopefully after today's maintenance all the bugs will get fixed.
although the only bug I've experienced was the sound kept coming back even after I mute the game.
Lastly, I hope the cowgirl will be playable with SSR skill animation lmao 😂
It's very similar to sword master story and the art is so good. The story is also good, which is something I dont usually pay attention to, but it caught be at the beginning when they brought up orcs stealing women and underwear 😂. It was almost like reading one of those web toons. The really nailed it with the character designs and touch interactions. I was hoping there was an r-18 version, since the death animation were reminiscent of an H game almost.
Particulamente um bom jogo e pra quem curte uma mecânica parecida com epic seven, vai gostar ainda mais do game..
A história é legal, com personagens parecidas com a história do rei arthur, mas com pegada das waifus.
Os personagens são bem feitos, com classes diferentes e temos a adição de pets, equipamentos, muitas dungeons de farm, bosses e acredito que guilda e pvp.. O idioma diz que está em inglês, mas tem lugares do game que estão em coreano e o idioma em si nas falas é coreano (não atrapalha a jogatina em nada).
Considerações: O game é gacha legal, tem como se divertir e testar várias waifus ao mesmo tempo. Existem uns 4 códigos que estão em vigor e você pode adquirir algumas gemas e uns tickets de draw. Vale á pena testar, já que estamos carentes de um bom game ultimamente q-q..
Me acompanhe no Youtube: Canal Atmosfera12Celestial
I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty skeptical when I saw everyone mentioned "auto-battler". Not that I don't like the genre, but other games within it are so halfassed & very low quality.
This game is so well made if we're talking about animations, VFX, and SFX. Ult animations for SR's & SSR's are sooooo beautifully made.
Tho I wish their L2D idle art would be a bit more interesting, some still look quite dull & flat in colors/shading.
Jiggle physics (the L2D's, not skill cutscenes) still feel quite off for some characters, like it feels odd that some "huge pair" barely jiggles & barely change shape, as if they're some stiff implants lol. I hope it'll be improved overtime.
Sound quality is great, very crisp & clear, doesn't sound ultra-compressed like epic7.
Main OST is also quite great it got stucked in my head and made me hum along sometimes lol, looking forward for more good music!
Dailies are allright, tho I wish gear grind doesn't take a whole 10 minutes to finish, feels quite long (or maybe I'm doing it wrong?).
That'll be all, overall I'm quite happy & will be playing this daily! hopefully devs listen to players & give us more improvements and QoL in the future!
I like turtles.
jk Here are my thoughts.
Graphics? 5
Anime style, polished backgrounds, and character designs, including the dynamic characters. It's easy to please.
Sound? 4
The sound effects are solid. However, the soundtrack could use some more scores.
Gameplay? 3
It's an afk game, so a lot of it plays itself as you would expect. Nothing spectacular. It is serviceable. Skill cooldowns could use some touching up or a system that shortens it.
Storyline? 5
I absolutely am a sucker for good writing, and the writers don't disappoint here. The main characters' interactions feel natural and goofy. They have good moments of tension, romance, and down-to-earth dialogue. The goofiness is at Konosuba levels. Don't hit the fairy, Ethan.
Value? TBD.
I'm an overseas user, and this server is the Korean server, so my credit card company doesn't support me (or anyone in my country) making any transactions to support the game, sadly. When it's on Google Play, I'll give it a rating. But it definitely is a product I would support.
this my first time comment on qooapp, but my experience at gaming is better than other😁.
i know about this game from youtube.
my first time installing game from qooapp too.
but how to say it, that u can feel "simple" from the game. i call it like a SEED wich can grow better. but All of the character are girls makes me feel lazy. i am a muslim u know. I feel comfortable if the character is more closed like Epic Seven.hope you guys can change that. even though this game feels simple and extraordinary. and I hope you also add Indonesian.
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