Reviews(936)Sort by Popularity, English

This game's storyline comes with a cute childhood friend that follows you everywhere like a CAT , that alone is enough reason to play. USE yandex image translate online or morte software on PC if you cant read CN. IMPORTANT: YOU NEED VPNN to download the files or vpNn to play if your country banned their servers or network Even the combat(turn based but still great), attack animation, voice acting, graphics, character designs are nothing but masterpiece. EVEN MORE THIS IS MECHA WITH CUTE CHILDHOOD FRIEND. The storyline is unique, you arent fighting for or work for big company/military at start. BUT start from small caravan in whcih MC and hIs childhood friend travel together in a scifi-fantasy world.
after going through Chapter 2, i just realized that this game kinda the same with GBF and Kamihime, thought it was more generous with newbies..........
Bagus sih, grafis nya mantep banget, rewardnya juga lumayan... Gundam disini keren keren coy gw suka design nya
Eternal Tree is an RPG, Idle and Bishojo game. It is originally a Japanese Android game who ended service. The version in QooApp has Traditional Chinese and Chinese Hongkong languages. An additional 5.5 GB will be downloaded to be able to play the app.
why there's no english or global version this game is amazing i really loved it but then game kicked me cos not chinese
Black screen after i download the game for 5.6g???? 好玩吗?? 下载了5.6g 你给我黑屏??
I'll be honest; I'm just doing this for the gacha tickets.
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