Reviews(141)Sort by Popularity, English

Overall is a good and interesting game, needs a little work at combat, like more effects, characters need to be a little bigger, they look very small lol,sound is awsome, 3d art is like in 80% of characters good. Would rate like 9.3/10 :) but only because is f2p friendly too, my opinion ofc.
Game's pretty decent, but when it comes to traditional JRPG elements it does an excellent job porting that concept to a mobile game. It's a full grind fest which is very tedious in today's generation of mobile games, but now with updated features and content it is made easier with repeat battle options and lots of tickets to tackle the stat grind. The story is very generic imo, but it is a nice touch to create a universe where all Saga characters meet and interact. The game is very f2p, especially during holiday, occasional and anniversary events. The soundtrack is amazing making the battles kinda bearable as 80% of the time you will be battling to get stats, resources and gems. Overall, a great game when you have the time to invest in it. Otherwise, I advice to put effort during holiday and anniversary events and just spam the gacha to collect characters.
in the heart of jrpg fans, romancing saga series stand as the legendary IP with compelling story, memorial casts, beautiful moments, unforgettable ost. And here, in gacha entity, romancing saga re:universe once again proved itself to be a product of care and love. Expecting alot of biases for I am a sucker for retro games. A trip back in time to the retro era with the clean, mesmerizing pixel graphics, crisp & clean. Every character models stay true to the heart of its predecessors and of course with much more detail emphasizing their costumes, personality and themes. Combining with various effects in high res texture and behold the beauty of retro on your hand. Artwork, yes. Re:universe offers its modern consumers with both the retro style and modernized style. Prefer the nostalgia? Have it your way, want a waifu according to your anime standard? suit yourself for the game let you twist your favourite character's illustration/sprite in accordance with what other "styles" you own. Story? don't expect a gacha IP to be on par with its predecessors, yet it is good and only get better with times. Many events feel very fun to read with colorful characters, genuine dialogues. In term of gameplay, romancing saga is what you would expect from these retro-ish games. Turn-based battle with weakness/resist mechanic. Easy to learn but nonetheless offering various ways to create your own strategies due to its diverse casts, formation and inheritance. And don't forget that every characters can get stronger depending on how-much-you-grind-for-them. For stats are acquired through battles/expendition. Gacha? 5% for SSR and a Safety net at 15 multi rolls combining with the fact that this game provides you every mean to acquire that much (45000) for almost every banners. Rejoin for we are under the rain of freebies and generosity to the point you start to question whether the game will close anytime soon. Btw, please join its own reddit and discord for the community is really big, helpful and informative about the game. Outside of the cycle? prepare to die for misinformation. Anyway, give Romancing Saga Re:universe a chance before you decide to look past it for it "old-ass" graphics or grindy aspect (aren't we already under the grind hell?) for it is for once an enjoyable experience and prepare for summer event, you know what to look for (thicc waifus in summer skins).
I really have no complaints about this game. Everything is straightforward, unlike other games where you get overwhelmed with all of the stuff you need to do to strengthen your characters or the weapons they're using. Gathering stuff to strengthen them is fairly easy to obtain too. I also find it generous with gems to use on gachas which I'm really happy about. The game is also smooth even with high graphics and since I'm an old gamer, I appreciate the whole look and gameplay of it - just like an old school RPG. Anyway, it's a great mobile RPG game to try.
遊戲畫面傳承前作在家用主機平台的點陣RPG,很還原舊式RPG風格,除了畫面,音效及戰 鬥模式等等也很還原。 戰鬥方式屬於回合制遊戲,比較特別的是角色會使用連攜技及打完副本後會增加各自的能力 值,角色能力值也僅能透過戰鬥提升。 在手機上能玩到這麼還原早期RPG作品風格的遊戲讓我覺得有點驚艷,不只戰鬥模式,劇情 以角色對話框方式呈現,對話框右邊還有人物頭像,真的讓人覺得很懷舊,相似類型的遊戲 不多,所以玩起來也很新鮮,系統過場圖很精美。 關於劇情,因為人物很多,不熟悉前作的玩家可能會不太了解劇情中出現的人物之間的關 係。 遊戲的鑽石等等資源送的很大方,還有很多活動,會讓玩家覺得官方很有誠意、很佛心,每 日登入獎勵再加上活動期間獎勵,禮物多到點不完。
全部给五星很简单 此游戏制作的studio是Akatsuki,各位或许没玩过,但我玩过他们在出现Romancing之前的所有作品。 他以前就是以周年纪念给货特别大方,甚至很多时候用周年的角色就可以挑战大部分活动关卡。 这种大方是一开始我开始玩日版的原因。当然真爱永远是国际版,因为国际版是等了很久,且国际版的池子也很好,没啥莫名其妙的角色。 我是没玩过任何系列作,把这个曾经跟最终幻想还有勇者斗恶龙而且巨tm难的游戏我没玩过。 就算玩的也是与他战斗理念有点类似的Octopath(有太多翻译我更愿意叫八人旅途) 游戏是真正意义上的纯单机,没有和其他app上得人对话的选项,没有公会,没有pvp。 故事也不能说极端详细和精彩,尤其是比Alim的那几个除了六周年的rpg还有stg作品。但这游戏是0课可以玩很爽的游戏,没有过度竞争导致了各种玩法都适合,就算是偶尔收收钻石然后碰到喜欢角色抽20次也能玩的很爽。 战斗理念是玩的越多越能培养的养成十足的路线。 还是那句话支持Akatsuki,这个工作室和timi那些是完全相反的逻辑,真正秉持了快乐氪金的日本gotcha风格。
I love turn-based rpg with sprites it tickles my heart not to mention it is a FF6 format [色色]. The only thing i hate about JRPGs is the grind but when you get there is a satisfying result because your characters growth. I don't recommend this to new rpg players because the grind here is too steep 90% of the time you will grind. It is like an Idle game but worse because you need to control it on high difficulty and just to repeat a stage. The only thing u need to startegize about is how to make faster clears or when fighting a boss. You need to put alot of effort on building characters which is not bad if only u need to build that specific SS(5*) unit but u need all off the units to build the S(4*) and A(3*)this is much worse than FGo becuz in FGo u need that 5,4 or 3* and u r good to go. Here u need all of them becuz they have the Mastery System which u need to lvl up the Style in order to level it up to increase damage and so on. The Skill System here is also DUMB why? The character needs to attack or take some damage in order learn or grasp a skill which TAKE A LOT OF FRICKIN TIME [發火] but i love the way you need to use a skill in order to rank it up it's like SKYRIM. I like this game better than FFBE and FGO because u can use split screen u can play while watching Anime ( # ▽ # ). I hope the dev add skip tickets or something like that in the near future or this game is going to be Doomed.
Absolutely love this game I played JP version since beta launch and learned the mechanics. Very F2P friendly with alot of RNG. You'll find yourself building a team that's all rounded rather than full brute. The key is Gérard guys and girls. And make sure to get yourself a healer, current endgame content it's a must. Stay balanced between magic and physical and you'll be well away and NEVER give up on farming weps the rates super low but worth.
File size : 1.8 gb ~ This is a retro turn based rpg. So there's nothing to show flashy stuff with the graphics.. It's clean and neat rpg battle effects.. [不滿] Good sound as expected from SE. But that's to be expected since it's from saga series !! I score it lower because it's not as catchy as my favorite saga, saga frontier 2. [厲害] Gameplay is pretty boring imo. I am not bashing but this is your generic grind. It has explore like ffbe. Also the character growth come from multiple battle grinds. So prepare yourself !! [大哭][大哭] It has original story. But if you the type not to bother with it feel free to skip it. [難過][難過] Decent value because you have chance to get SSR with minimal effort. But the pool will grow later so.. Get your fav char early game !! [開心][開心]
The combat of the game is great especially with the number of playable characters that are available. The variety in the party building mechanics can provide a great time for people for who enjoys discovering optimal plays with the correct team build. The main caveat of the game is the grind that comes with it. There are no background play for events thus your devide must be always on to grind stages. Lastly, the game offer autoplay but it is only free to the first 50 times for the day and in-app currency is required to increase the chances per day.
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