Ready to be arrested..
Anyways the game is great, graphics is so cute, sound is so lively i could listen all day, the gameplay for me is a little bit confusing but playable. Storyline, hmm im still new but i think its interesting. Overall its amazing!!!
One thing i have a problem is, its randomly crashes, like i was playing the mission then the next thing i see is black screen and it takes me back to my homescreen, i dont know what is the cause of it maybe my phone but if anyone was experiencing this, please fix it since its pain to load the game again..
Also plus point for me the Voice Over in the Sensei's name, I was so shocked, normaly in games they don't add such a feature like that but, damn i'm telling you this is a best game, also i recommend for you to wait for EN but if you're brave go ahead and install it
I'm really liking this game. It's a beautiful little game and the female characters are very cute and attractive for the most part, gameplay is relaxing and fun with the songs playing in the background. The characters are in detailed CHIBI style as expected which I don't mind but only complain I have is that when characters use their ultimate they are still TINY and CHIBI rather than becoming their normal as their art style size and they don't have a dope and beautiful animation for ult like Epic 7 have so if possible please redesign their ultimate animation and make it awesome!! The imme make this a 5 rating
4th pv made me want to play this game but I played the game a month before it's 3rd anniversary. I was hater of this game before because some of my friends called this game pdf game so I stayed away from this game but when I decided to become open minded and just try it, I become fan of this game eapecially the story and it made me sad that the scenario writer quit from the company.
For gacha this game has atrocious rate for *3 especially for banner so the only option is aiming for spark or waiting half/full anniversary for rate up from 3% to 6%. Spark will dissapear when banner gone so be careful.
What I hate from this game is their inconsistency of character art. They change artist when they made alt for event sometimes. Their shadowing and coloring has been degrading lately at least for me
Let me be honest with this game, despite the game itself was fun and challenging, it really lack of value and gameplay system is messed up.
You dont have control over your unit placement like how they should not going in horizontal system, they should have formation list like square, triangle, cross etc to ensure they are not being close to each other when deployed.
Our characters are really having seizure when defeating all enemies while moving to next section where they will standing still and wasted 3 seconds like an idiot (even more when they used skill on that delay), not trying to move forward ASAP. At least, PAUSE THE TIMER when they moving to next section because it wasted so many precious time when it matter.
When you dont have required unit to battle especially on specific boss, you are being beaten to pulp when bosses have certain skill or extremely tanky on unfavored terrain, it was almost impossible to beat them before time runs out even on maxed skill level (need limit break especially on special events).
Value: Summon system was the atrocious one when it comes to PITY SYSTEM, 200 pulls and you only get pity one when it comes to special units (season event only) while non-special units (including new one) will spawn between 50-100 pulls average even if you are lucky, you will get 2 or 3 at once with cost of another hundred summons again.
Played for 1 year and my motivation was at low point, barely any activities like doing it 15 mins and close the app while waiting cafe and daily stamina filled again. Rewards are extremely stingy and maintenance only give you FIXED 720 Crystals for 6-8 hours maintenance which is really low for such long maintenance (1200 is fine) and events barely give you any crystals at all. Stocking 20k crystals (2 months worth including events) and gone instantly on Limited-time characters with nothing to get at all.
the gameplay is simple in the battle but skill management and team building is insanely crucial starting from mid game content. The only downside is the gacha rate is insanely low and some of the *3 character is somewhat powerful and useless for example izumi(the one who have burger in her hand) is the most useless *3 character in the game, so if you got her on first pull reroll it immediately prioritizing aru/hibiki/iori/haruna/hina/shun (6 of them must get if you want cause some of them is insanely good for late game content) story is good but it twist the shit out of your normal school life experiences really goddamn fast. Overall the game is good but the gacha rate isn't so if you're ready to get unlucky on this game like this good. luck
Greetings all Sensei,
high school girls with gun is very cute to be honest 🤣
like Shiroko... and Asuna the maid girl...
ahem...ahem... don't mind it, back to the review
my riview :
pros :
- cute 3D chibi animation
- auto gameplay is very friendly for the person who doesn't have much free time (like me)
- can works with Free to play
- Beauty 2D animation based on affinity to their sensei
- i love skip grinding ticket lol 😂
- Using Unity Gane Engine ( tell me if it's wrong ok lol 😂)
const :
- sometimes 2D animation is quiet.... yeah u know, but still approved lol 😂
- PVP is quiet hard (just my opinion) but still can be fix
- sometimes connection failed for download resource or connection request failed... so sometimes i need to use VPN to trigger the login with Twitter.
- auto play skill... can be dangerous because i dunno... i feel like medic skill always be triggered very fast than the tank or sniper support skill (thats what i feel but feel free to tell me)
I think that's all... overall this is one of the good game that Yostar x Nexon serve to us... so i appreciate what the game developer working for... like Arknights or GFL too... every game...
i hope Kal'tsit and Amiya didn't find me here because I'm slaking with High school students 😂😂
note : please don't tell Kal'tsit and Amiya that I'm here
The reason why "Gameplay" and "Value" is only at good is because of how the gacha and character promotion works. Promoting any character to the next rarity level requires tremendous luck and money. Not being able to promote (just) one character to rarity 5 at casual level 52 is ridiculous.
The game's 2 and 3 rarities drop rate is too low to which, you dont get enough fragments (purple gems) to buy character specific fragments to promote your own characters.
Sure it's not impossible to fully promote a character in casual play. But the game throws a whole bunch of types of enemies at you with rock, paper and scissors mechanics while having you manage environmental bonuses and school bonuses. Even if ignoring environmental and school bonuses, your resources are spread thin within the few characters you have.
Oh and I hate a curve ball in one of the early stages where your effective team is suddenly ineffective against one group of enemies which kills you pretty fast or can't kill them in the allotted time which prevents you from getting your 2nd map star.
But despite all of this, I still log in daily. I am playing this game without reading guides or following metas. I'm sure I'd have better results if I were to follow someone's guide but, I won't be able to enjoy it otherwise. Also, I don't read Japanese so the only thing I can do is screenshot and then dump it into the Google Translate app.
I've been playing this game when it got released, Up to this point i've unlocked all the current character l2d's that i only own and i've been waiting for this game to come out, since i got quite curious what this could be. If you immediately want to know if this could be a gacha game that you should try and jump into. Then it would be yes, but it varies for people that look at either gameplay/ character design etc. Music for the game fits nicely, designs for the L2D's are also stunning though not all of them are voice but all of them still look nice. Story wise i don't really look into story of a gacha game so hard yet i appreciate it being their to fill in a sudden possible void. Massive concern is how functioning of AI goes around in PVP. But over all, theirs not much depth into this game if thats what someone is looking for then i highly have you take a pass if your looking for some insane depth like gbf or whatever. But overall this game is nice and try it out if you have the time
This game have a really good artworks and Character design. But the gameplay is remind me of Princess Connect but better and less boring i think.
PVP is kinda broken because you can't win meta team at all.
For the BGM i really love it so much.
And gacha is 2.5% for SSR and it's pretty salty but they gave us tons of gem so reasonable ?
Crystal get per week is too low for gacha it's about 1/4 of 10 pulls(Please correct me if I'm wrong) It's pretty bad for me
And I'm tired of gacha tired of pvp tired of no meta in my team. I'm done with this game
And it's almost useless if you pull SSR that you already own one because you will get a st*pid 50 character crystal for buy a character crystal again why?
( Sorry for my shitty English )
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