Reviews(2014)Sort by Popularity, English

🔥🔥🔥 i hate izumi sena 🔥🔥🔥
I love the chinese version of enstars a lot! its so much easier to gain dias here and it also has auto, though i kind of wish that you could change the difficulty for story challenge lives since its kind of annoying to always play in normal
진심 중국에 있어서 한국, 영문, 일어판을 못하는 나에게 정말 빛의 한줄기 같았음. 하고싶었던 게임인만큼 한번 해봤더니 가챠는 개같았었지만 애들 얼굴에 치이고 노래에 치이고감. 진심 처음 들었을때는 어떤 잣같은 사람들이 이상한 노래 부르고있다고 생각했었는데 지금들어보니까 내가 왜 욕했는지 이해가 안됬었음 ((3d로 게임하면서 듣다가 바꾸는방법알고 바꾼게 한수 했었을거라고 생각함 지우고 오래간만에 들어가보니까5성도 바로주고 이벤트 하니까4성2개 주길레 좋아 설래면서 플래이함. 스토리는 ㅣㅂ록못보지만 애들 얼굴이 갓갓. +중국번호, 주민등록증까지 쳐야하지만, 처음만 그렇고 계속하다보면 짱입니다ㅏ.
ok, so I heard that the JP server only needs 350 dias for a 10 pull, but in this sever, the price is raised to 3500 dias for a 10 pull here, but the reward is the same. I apologize that it would come off as offensive to some but, why is the price raised in this server? I really want to know...(this is the Taiwan version/ server right?)(and I'm actually writing this on a laptop since my mobile device doesn't have the Qoo app available at all)
这是什么一回事啊,电话一直不能进。 Phone no. is unable to register to play the game as it keeps asking for correct format, pretty sure a few people are also facing the same issue. Will rate 1 star for now.
すごいのゲームです。 朔間零好きです。 それだけだ。
such an amazing, wonderful, shining, shimmery, splendid, cool game. absolutely love this game. (pls give me arashi card)
I thought this game was about killer animatronics that come alive and you have to survive 4 nights at a Pizza Hut. Boy, was I wrong. Download at your own risk.
好香好玩好聽 質量很高的一款遊戲[色色]可能因為我手機的關係 有時候會lag 但除此以外都沒甚麼問題!大推💕💕
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