KOFAS is a game that's filled to the brim with the essence of the classics in mind. Well it wouldn't be called All Stars if it didn't single out every character in the franchise.
You can play a few more games other than this one, and they will all equally share the same amount of fun and joy as when you've never discovered the game at all. On a case to case basis. I think.
But if you take up the mantle of becoming a fighter here you will live the rest of your days in endless toil, the light of day will never find you, and time becomes a blur proving nothing more that your existence is an abstract amalgamation of electrical impulses in your brain. But you'll come to love it soon enough, if you're patient.
You can maybe get to the leaderboards if you very well wanted to. A little bit of wishful thinking never hurt.
This is a game of classical music, migraines, nightmares, and the sliver of time for taking a gander at what little luck supposedly supplies your dopamine/serotonin intake. It won't be easy, but suprisingly it won't be too difficult. But then again, that depends entirely on the way you see it. Challenges make humanity.
I played since launch and as insidious as the discrepancies between servers goes, don't listen to everybody. Not even me. Play the game already you twat, and be the King of the Iron Fist Tournament! :^)
good graphics, very faithful to the original games with slight tweaks to further optimize the mobile appeals. visually, no complaints.
gameplay wise also very satisfying, enough contents to get you engaged but not very demanding as it has optional skip function if you're short on time.
very F2P friendly. this is important. you don't need to spend money to git gud at this game, they're generously giving you currencies in game to strengthen your teams. heck even half of the premium stuffs costs less than $10. also I have at least over 200 rolls in 6 weeks. 200 rolls only on char gacha! and about 100+ card gacha without spending any real money. my SSRs are plenty, they give a very good rate and you'll find youself pulling multiple SSRs in one pull often.
my only regret is that the PvP needs a good ping, otherwise you'll be literally sitting duck. though PvP isn't a must, but real time PvP isn't enjoyable for me with ping hovering at 80-100
Ever heard of tekken? They did pretty much similar to this but became to p2w... got shutdown... bad move from bandai namco....
so when I heard that this game would have a mobile version, I decide not to play this since I expect this kind of games would die in a year. but then I was wrong...
decided to try the game, this is what I think:
• A bit grindy (Already playing a lot of grindy games so I might play less or quit)
• Events are full of roullette and dice something (hmmm...)
• Free tries for events and summons involves watching ads (I rather do quest or mission rather than watching an ad)
• An One time summon where you can able to reset until you can get your desired character.
• A campaign playing against mobs (kinda boring if playing againsts players or one character)
I haven't played that much so no comments on the gatcha and pvp...
1 year of playing, this is my feelings:
-The story is good nothing to complain with it. The game has many modes, styles and bosses.
-Graphics are really good. The ultimate is cool animated.
Some weak points about the game are the loading, the gacha and the OP of the character.
-The loading is the big issue for the game. For me it takes 4 mins to get into the game and every times i use auto ticket, it lagged.
-The gacha is terrible i have to say. I spend 10k rubies on the seven knight gacha and i only get 1 Fes.
-The OP characters is the most issue. A lot people are using the countdown tragedy, it is so broken that i can't even hit them once in pvp.
Its great, gameplay wise i'd probably rate it 5 had it not for the crappy server in pvp & bugs.
Surprisingly good graphic & some nice remixes of KoF ost.
Though gacha wise its kinda rough especially if you're a cassual player even with pity system, resource wise for a mid ranker in pvp (gold rank IB & rank 400-850 league) the most you can get per week is about 1k rubies (not counting ta, daily, ad, etc) you need 27k rubies to pity a character you want, & not only that you need to gacha cards to to strenghten your fighters & give them their special attack which cost about 9k to pity if you're unlucky. Not only that you need to pull for dupes if you want to further strengthen your faves fighter which force you to gacha again.
For F2Ps i'd advice to just save your rubies for collabs if you're a collector (as they're usually a one time done deal) as you can pity kof & kofas fighter if you're patient enough since they give you 1 free daily pull.
I just started to play the game yesterday and felt like the new players were given 1 step behind the veterans due to its enormous gifts. I would say it's really appealing though there are some bugs that I've experienced. P2W tag is in all of the games recently but to think that this game is considered to be one, it really doesn't matter because you'll be slapped with almost $500 worth of free-to-play items for you to consume. Gacha rate is average to very good.
King of Fighters é um clássico dos jogos de luta, que eu sempre adorei e sempre joguei mal pacas…
Como eu sempre fui muito ruim nesse tipo de jogo, mas gostava muito dos personagens, meu sonho sempre foi que jogos como KoF tivessem um modo história onde você usa as habilidades e golpes complicados pra enfrentar um monte de soldadinhos fracos, ao envés de ficar tomando porrada dos seus amiguinhos…
E esse sonho virou realidade com KING OF FIGHTERS ALLSTAR!!!
O jogo é um side-scroller betam-up (um dos meus gêneros favoritos) com os personagens de KoF! Você desbloqueia e coleciona personagens de jogos da série KoF, com variantes de personagens por época do jogo (por exemplo, você pode ter um personagem de 94, e o mesmo personagem de 98, com as diferenças e tudo)! Muito legal!!!
Para adquirir personagens, existe um sistema de Gacha, mas a boa notícia é que eles são generosos e você pode fazer um primeiro Gacha x10 com recovagens infinitas, pra ficar refazendo até conseguir seus personagens favoritos, como, no meu caso, a Leona Heidern ou a Mai Shiranui!!!
O jogo conta com um joystick virtual e botões que facilitam muito a vida! Não são necessárias combinações complicadas de executar com direções e golpes, já que cada personagem tem duas habilidades já prontas ao toque de um único botão! Isso te dá a mesma satisfação, sem complicações!
Mesmo pra quem não é fã da franquia, o jogo ainda é ótimo! A pesar de ter um forte apelo nostálgico, o jogo como Beat’em-up pra celular é animal!
(AH! E funciona com controle, se você tiver um que pareia com celular!!! Fantástico!!!)
This game is quite possibly the most fun I've ever had with any mobile game. I'm not a huge fan of KOF like I am with Street Fighter, but I've come to adore some of the characters on here. Customization and team building is unlimited, VERY free-to-play friendly, lots of stuff to do outside the main campagne.
Only bad thing I can say about it is that it''s SLIGHTLY off-balanced. Even though the lower ranks are treated with as much importance as the higher ones (which is greatly appreciated), they are level capped to 3 star and don't do as much damage as the higher ranks, even with support. For comparison, an EX (red boarder) character (and even some purple boarders) can just one shot anyone even at level 1, while a fully upgraded 3 star bronze with item support and all abilities unlocked still has to work for their kills. And you need the bronze characters if you want to clear specific story challenges and non-story modes.
Outside of that, HIGHLY recommended
one of my favorite rpg games ever!! i've always been a huge slut for fighting games, and that includes this one. the summon is kinda annoying, though. i spend few k on the boss syndrome banner just to get souls of characters i already owned. but meh, i consider it as luck. nonetheless, its a great game!! the friendly match should be fixed, i guess? its so laggy for me. and i'm waiting for another gintama collab !!
nice game , was always interested in kof lore which it delivers on .
gameplay wise is fairly simple and straightforward.with varied mode of gameplay, definitely keeps u occupied
needs some work on championship mode as it lags in most cases.
gacha is generous in a way so u can easily farm the stuff required for it and drop rate are decent.
overall a entertaining game , worth a try
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